
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Portugal albergará la primera academia de Siemens del mundo

Portugal will house the first academy of Siemens of the world


21 May 2014

Siemens Portugal, the Polytechnical Institute of Leiria (IPLeiria) and Cadflow have inaugurated the first Academy Siemens PLM and of Automation to world-wide level. This academy materialises a project to promote the resources in technical education and favour the empleabilidad of the students, endowing them of the technical knowledges and of Engineering, Software and Industrial Automation. Besides this academy will provide the contact with the technology with which the students will find more advance in the companies in which they go to work.

The academies of Siemens are a bet for the qualified technical learning
The academies of Siemens are a bet for the qualified technical learning.

His main aim is to contribute to the revitalisation of the national industry and favour the empleabilidad through the investment in a qualified learning. The skill and the technical experience of the personnel is fundamental for the success of this and other sectors of the industry characterised by an important technological innovation and that find in a moment of global expansion.

With this purpose has signed a protocol of cooperation to facilitate the integration of the students of the academy in companies of the region. Siemens reinforces like this the commitment with the investment in the development of the engineering. This is also an opportunity to present the immense potential of the innovative solutions that they will be object of study in the academy, like the software PLM that allows to design, simulate and test before producing, saving an important economic cost and of time, with concrete examples as for example a car of the team of Formulates 1 Infiniti Network Bull Racing.

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