
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Más capacidad en el Centro Tecnológico de Walter AG

More capacity in the Technological Centre of Walter AG


12 May 2014

The start of shaving is the connection between the turning, milling and taladrado. However, a lot of factors are important to obtain some processes of mechanised effective. With the concept of the service of Walter Multiply, the specialists in Walter Tübingen provide to the customer a support in all the chain of process.

Always with the aim to optimise the existent processes, in the fact to incorporate new processes or the manufacture of prototypes without causing problems of productive capacity to the customer is where goes in at stake the Technological Centre and the specialists of Walter Multiply. The processes are tested in depth and the solutions deliver to the smart customer to put in practice.

Walter AG has expanded his park of machinery in his Technological Centre with the new machine that combines turning and mechanised of 5 axles in one: The WFL MillTurn M40-G with contrahusillo and two turret milling machiness for a mechanised simultaneo and complete.

With this acquisition, Walter follows the tendencies of the sector in the processing of the pieces. At the same time, like specialists in tools offers to the new customers opportunities of proof of processes out of his own installations; this includes the manufacture of complex prototypes, as well as the efficient organisation of the processes of mechanised previously unknown. With the new machine WFL, all this can carry out in an alone operation, independently need tornear, mill or the combination of both.

What offers the Technological Centre of Walter with the new machine? Three answers are those that give us Matthias Angelstein, boss of team of solutions of production, and Harry Scherer, boss of team of the technological centre Multiply of Walter AG, Tübingen. The first answer: In an alone step. “Before only we had lathes and milling machines of 5 axles without a second turret milling machines. Now we can offer the mechanised complete of a piece in an alone operation, that is the ‘discipline of mechanised supreme' regarding efficiency refers . Classical examples of pieces are the crankshafts and bielas in addition to many other pieces of the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing industry, wind and of other sectors. With this new machine so effective, also can mechanise pieces of big volume without filling in little time the warehouse of ferricha”.

The second answers: virtual. “We can provide a service of ‘mechanised virtual'. With the software ‘CrashGuard Studio', that incorporate the machines WFL, no only can program the MillTurn but they can discover zones with problems in the moment to execute the proof. We optimise executing two programs in parallel for both turret milling machiness before that the process was tested with the piece of work under the conditions of cutting”.

Finally: tendency. “To weigh that they always will have lathes and milling machines skilled, a lot of processes of mechanised will be able to complete with an alone machine. We already have been able to show to customers that can reduce the process of mechanised of three to an alone machine”.

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