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The new services based in Smart Dates improve the taking of decisions with a greater performance of the plant

Siemens establishes the bases of the production of the future

Editorial Interempresas10/04/2014

Siemens participates a year more in Hannover Messe to announce his last solutions of industrial automation. The company takes advantage of the international fair more important of this sector, that takes place these days in this German city, to show the technological requirements that will allow to convert the industry 4.0 in a reality.

The integration of the technologies of the information in the factories has supposed a before and an afterwards for the industry, when making possible the digitalisation of all the phases of the cycle of life of a product and the personalización of the production in mass. As it explains Anton S. Huber, CEO of the division of Automation of the sector Industry, “the advance in the digitalisation, the creation of new networks and the convergence of the real and the virtual are key elements so that the industry was more innovative and competitive. In this sense, Siemens is working in the integration of his software PLM in the processes of engineering and automation with the aim that the companies have a digital base and form part of the modern industry”.

Under the lemma ‘Making things right', the company shows in his stand of 3.500 m2 an integrated vision of the industry through the novelties of his wide portfolio that allows to automate and digitalizar each process of the manufacture of a product, from his design until his put in the market. Thanks to this, the companies can increase his productivity and competitiveness, to the time that reduce costs. Besides, in an annex to the stand, Siemens will install the ‘Forum of the future', a space that aspires to turn into a meeting point in which know the last investigations of the different areas of the company and seat the bases of what will offer us the future.

Angela Merkel, German chancellor, visits the stand of Siemens
Angela Merkel, German chancellor, visits the stand of Siemens.

Novelties in all the families of the portfolio Siemens

Siemens is presenting in Hannover new solutions that affect to all his ranges of product. Between them, Integrated Drive Systems (IDS) and Totally Integrated Automation (TIA), technologies that help to increase the competitiveness of the companies, or Totally Integrated Power (TIP) that allows to the factories and industrial plants receive power of efficient and safe way.

In words of Siegfried Russwurm, CEO of the sector Industry, “with solutions like TIA, IDS, the software PLM and the services Dates Driven, Siemens is leading the market of technologies of integrated production, that seat the bases for the complete optimisation of the development of the product and of the process of manufacture of the same. This is what will mark the future of the industry”.

The industrial softwares earn special importance and are turning into the crowbar of change of the sector. In this sense, Siemens teachs these days to take out the maximum split to the new versions of TIA Portal and Simatic, with the end that the customers convert the productivity that contribute in a tangible profit. Between the novelties of technologies of accionamiento, the company has presented the new converter of frequency Sinamics G110M, that combined with TIA Portal does that the set up of the processes was faster and simple. “Thanks to TIA Portal the customers can reduce the times of production in 30% and increase the availability of the applications until in 99%, what allows that the saving of costs situate above 15%”, signals Ralf-Michael Franke, CEO of the division Drive Tecnologies of the sector Industry.

Likewise, Siemens is doing special upsetting in the importance of the services of monitoring of post production, englobados inside his family Drive Train Condition Monitoring, that ensure the correct operation of the processes, as well as important savings of power.

“With the arrival of the digitalisation to the world of the manufacture, assist to a change of paradigm and is that the development in the processes of manufacturing of the product, as well as the one of the own factories, make possible that the time to market reduce until in 50%”, explains Anton S. Huber.

Siegfried Russwurm, CEO of the sector Industry of Siemens
Siegfried Russwurm, CEO of the sector Industry of Siemens.

Of the ‘Big dates' to the ‘Smart dates'

The increasing complexity of the processes of manufacture and the every time greater penetration of the TIC in them have done that the number of data that handle to the hour to give life to a product have increasing of remarkable form. However, it is a field that still has not exploded and in which it is necessary to step further through the development of criteria of decision based in the intelligence that offer the data. Like this, could achieve a big quantity of specific information on our chain of production and use it of efficient form to increase our productivity. In this sense, Siemens has given to know a new service called ‘Date Driven', based in the collected, analysis and evaluation of data of production. This solution does more sustainable the factories improving the energetic efficiency of his machines and systems, what does more transparent the industrial process, improves the taking of decisions and provides to the customer value added. Besides, inside this area, has presented tools like the Power Analitics, that makes possible the mentioned savings of power. Finally, the company has launched important novelties of his Services of hygiene, that protect the information and the technology of the factories of possible ciberataques or internal failures. A clear example of this, is the agreement that has signed with McAfee to develop solutions of ciberseguridad for the factories, with the end to guarantee the maximum protection of all the processes of automation of the industrial plants.
Siemens presents the technological bases on which build the industry 4.0.
Siemens presents the technological bases on which build the industry 4.0.

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