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Siemens expand his portfolio of Date-Driven Services based in the compilation and analysis of the data of manufacture

Siemens does reality the on-line management of the factories

Editorial Interempresas03/04/2014
Siemens has launched the service Asset Analytics that allows to monitor of on-line form the machines, lines of production and even, an industrial plant to the complete. Like supplement to this software, experts of Siemens help to the factories to record and analyse the data of the operations and the conditions of the plant to have a global vision of the same and optimise his activity and availability.

This solution bases in an infrastructure cloud that has scalable capacity to adapt of optimum way to the size of any company and to offer a wide range of industrial applications. Likewise, it can record in real time a big volume of data –like the levels of vibration, temperature, pressesure and the ones of the system of control of the factory- before they process and send to the Centre of Operations of Siemens, where analyse and share with the customer. The system includes an alarm that active of automatic way when they have reached critical limits.

All this, allows to detect of possible early way failures and give them answer before the activity interrupt , what makes possible to manage of form more efficient the activities of maintenance. It fits to stand out that Asset Analytics fulfils with the standard maxima of hygiene of Siemens CERT and ISO 27001 to guarantee at all times the salvaguarda of the information.

Asset Analytics Of Siemens, a service that allows to monitor the plants of production to optimise his activity
Asset Analytics Of Siemens, a service that allows to monitor the plants of production to optimise his activity.

An application for each area

Asset Analytics Is cream with the aim to do a global monitoring of the plant of production, but also offers the possibility of focalizarlo by areas. With this purpose, Siemens has created distinct applications that allow to give answer of way individualizada to the processes of a factory.

With the Service Machine Tool Analytics, the companies will be able to monitor the conditions of the machines-tools and control the critical components)like linear axles, main, tools of magazine, carriers of chips or technology of automation) with pneumatics and fluent systems.

For the industrial applications of rotation, like pumps of air, compressesors or moledores, Siemens puts to disposal of the companies Asset Analytics for Equipment of Rotation, that allows the remote control of the chain of production. This is very useful for the car industry, for example, that can obtain the values of measurement of the operations that are in process and the data of the system of control to know the pressesure of fuel, the consumption of air or the angle of pressesure.

Siemens also has created the Industrial service Network Analyticis, that manages of remote way the infrastructures industrial TIC, when doing a diagnostic and a constant monitoring of all the networks of which has the factory.

With these novelties the company expands his portfolio Dates-Driven Services, based in the compilation and evaluation of the data of production, what allows to the industrial plants be more competitive and efficient.

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