
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at DMG Mori presenta ocho innovaciones en su Open House de Pfronten

DMG Mori Presents eight innovations in his Open House of Pfronten


27 February 2014

As it is tradition each month of February, Interempresas attended to the Open House that took place of the 18 to 22 February in the headquarters of Deckel Maho in Pfronten (Germany). DMG Mori Showed 66 machines in direct, of which eight were world-wide novelties. As it is used to to be usual, of parallel form to the exhibition took place four technological seminars, in which the visitors could inform on the current level of development and the tendencies inside the areas LifeCycle Services, manufacture of matrices and moulds, aerospace industry and optimisation of processes with new technologies.

Around 6.000 visitors knew closely the system Jealousies that offers a unitary interface for all the new machines of technology tip of DMG Mori. They exist also the app of Jealousies that make possible the administration, documentation and universal visualisation of data of requests, processes and machines. A total of 18 machines were instrumented with Jealousies.


Other novelties were the machines CTX beta 800 TC, the DMC 80 FD duoBLOCK and the DMC 80 H duoBLOCK (two machines more than the fourth generation duoBLOCK), the two new models DMC V 850 and DMC V 1150 to complete the series DMC V, the DMU 270 P as well as the DMU 70 ecoline. It called the attention also the Lasertec 65 AdditiveManufacturing, that combines a milling demanding and a mechanised additive in an alone tie up of the piece.

(próximamente Interempresas Will give more details of all these equipment)

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DMG Mori Ibérica, S.L.U.

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