
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Siemens e IMH apuestan por desarrollar una formación técnica de calidad

The professors-technical of the IMH will form in the Centre of Technology and Application of Siemens in all the fields of the metallurgical industry

Siemens and IMH bet for developing a technical learning of quality

Editorial Interempresas29/01/2014
The Institute of Machine-Tool and Siemens have signed a new agreement of collaboration that will accredit to the IMH like ‘Partner formador of CNC Sinumerik'. This system of automation of machines-tool facilitates an efficient operation and contributes, at the same time, a high productivity during all the cycle of life of the machinery.

The Institute of Machine-Tool keeps from his starts a narrow relation with Siemens, partner technological that offers a wide portfolio of products and solutions that cover from the level of production (numerical controls CNC, PLC, Accionamientos, Systems HMI/Scada) until solutions CAD-CAM to improve the manufacture, development and design of the products, and Management of Life of the Product (Siemens PLM). The IMH offers learning in numerical controls Siemens so much in the modality of the Learning for the Employment, in the courses of catalogue and under demand, as well as in the Professional Learning Initial.

Fruit of this relation, this year, by means of this agreement, professors-technical of the IMH will form annually in the last versions of the controls Sinumerik in the Centre of Technology and Application that Siemens has in Erlangen, and will be able to also have on-line of his corresponding documents of work. The Centre, European referent in Mechanical Manufacture, has enabled also inside his installations a specific classroom Siemens- IMH instrumented with this technology of last generation so that the students can realizar the theoretical and practical learning that sues the sector of manufacturers and users of machines-tool.

Therefore, after the learning of his technicians in all the fields of the metallurgical industry, the IMH will issue in 2014 a certificate of aprovechamiento recognised by Siemens in his courses headed to workers.

The IMH will offer a learning certified in technology of automation of Siemens of last generation
The IMH will offer a learning certified in technology of automation of Siemens of last generation.
On the other hand, Siemens and IMH have foreseen the realisation of a conjoint day of technological diffusion at the beginning of 2014, in which the companies of the sector interested will be able to know the last solutions in the technology Siemens and the practical applications of the projects of innovation and improvement of processes that realizar the IMH.

Siemens bets for boosting the programs of professional learning to approach the real needs of the industry to the centres of learning and approach the R&D to the factories.

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