
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Carlos Robles Sánchez, Jefe de Producción de Formecal
“The aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector is in full growth and this demands to be ready”

Interview to Carlos Oaks Sánchez, Boss of Production of Formecal

Esther Güell27/01/2014
Been cream in 1982 like auxiliary company of mechanisation, Formecal is specialised in the tooling in hot of pieces of average size, the mechanisation of precision and the setting of pieces. Although in his first years specialised in sectors like the rail and the automotive sector, at present his production directs to the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing. This has forced them to keep a level of quality and services highly demanding, keeping to the avant-garde of the manufacture of aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing components and carrying out an exhaustive control in the different departments, engineering, production, logistical and planning, with a park of machinery advanced and of high technology.

To start with, it could describe us the general lines of the activity of Formecal? Which type of pieces manufacture for the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector?

Formecal Devotes his activity to the mechanised of precision of pieces for the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector as well as tooling in hot and back mechanised of pieces for the rail sector and of the automotive sector. In the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector have centred our activity in the mechanised of pieces for the trains of landing of the aeroplanes To400M, To380, To350, C-101, C-212, CN-235, etc. Equally have begun successfully the setting of the mechanism of blockade of the main train of the To400M.

Carlos Oaks has clear that “the acquisition of machinery of last generation is fundamental for the manufacture of pieces very complex” as it is the...
Carlos Oaks has clear that “the acquisition of machinery of last generation is fundamental for the manufacture of pieces very complex” as it is the case of the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector.

Which technological evolution has lived this segment in the last years?

Have suffered an evolution in the machinery used for the processes of mechanised with the purchase of three lathes multitarea of 5 axles Mori Seiki, as well as a three-dimensional and equipment of measure for the processes of quality and verification of the pieces.

Formecal Is specialised in the tooling in hot. Which type of pieces realizar? With which technical difficulties find ?

In the tooling in hot manufacture pieces of high responsibility for sectors like the rail and automotive sector what demands us an exhaustive control of the materials to stamp and back processes so much of mechanised like thermal sensors and superficial treatments.

Which type of machinery require to develop his work?

Have four presses of tooling that go from the 150 to 750 t as well as a generator 200 kW of recent acquisition.

To end to ensure the requirements of the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector in Formecal implanted and...
To end to ensure the requirements of the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector in Formecal implanted and adapted a system of computer management to have controlled all his products and processes.

His park of machinery is mainly DMG Mori. What did them opt by this company? Of which models have?

After testing diverse companies the results of reliability, service and advice that achieve with Mori Seiki did us decant us by this company. At present we have the models NT3200Sz, NT1000, CL2000BM_2 Gantry, a centre of mechanised NH4000, another model SH-403, in addition to the models SL-250AMC500, SL-250BMC-5, SL-2500And_SL251DD0463, SL-2500And-650_1.

Which provision and competitive advantages would stand out of them?

Is important to stand out 3 things, the repetitividad, the resistance in front of materials of difficult mechanised and the absence of failures in spite of having a big load of work.

What value especially of DMG Mori like provider?

The product and service of attention posventa that always have resolved doubts and problems with the greater professionalism.

Like company subcontractor, which percentage of his production is for the Spanish market and which for the international? In the last years, have increased the requests for international projects?

At present the 60 % of our production is directed to the international market. Because of the available volume of aeroplanes during the year 2013 has increased notably the international projects, causing an increase in the manufacture of pieces of a 40 %.

In the last years Formecal has incorporated also three lathes multitarea of 5 axles Mori Seiki...
In the last years Formecal has incorporated also three lathes multitarea of 5 axles Mori Seiki, as well as a three-dimensional and equipment of measure.

The aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector is surely one of the most demanding. Which requirements have had to fulfil like company subcontracted?

Have had to implant and adapt a system of computer management that gives us the possibility to have controlled all our products and processes with the end to ensure the requirements of the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector. The acquisition of new lathes and machining centres of last generation are fundamental for the manufacture of pieces very complex.

In this sense, which council would give him to a company of mechanised that it want to go in in this market?

The companies of mechanised that they want to go in in this sector have to assume a strong investment in the machinery in the management and in the guarantee of quality, due to the fact that this market is very demanding.

To finalise, have foreseen some investment to short/half term in new equipment or some new project that can require new machines?

In our sector always have to have planned investments in machinery, due to the fact that it is a sector in continuous evolution and that demands to be prepared with the last technology. Besides, the aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing sector is in full growth and this demands that we are prepared to be able to to cover the needs of our customers.

In these moments are valuing the purchase of a centre of mechanised of 5 axles, with carousel of 5 palés of 500 mm among others.

Related Companies or Entities

DMG Mori Ibérica, S.L.U.

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