
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Ahora sí va a jugar en las grandes ligas: Teamcenter, PLM para pymes
A solution PLM can help in all the cycle of life of the product creating some surroundings of connectivity and collaboration from the distinct areas of design until the factories, going through all and each one of the parts of the process

Now yes it goes to play in the big leagues: Teamcenter, PLM for SMEs

Aurea López, director of Marketing of Spain and Portugal of Siemens Industry Software05/12/2013

The history of Siemens Industry Software and of PLM in Spain traces back to the year 1998 and since every time are more companies those that see the profits of the PLM. Some companies, as the ones of the sector automotive sector, have already a true degree of maturity regarding PLM, but treats of a technology that can be beneficial for any sector; Teamcenter already works in companies that manufacture bicycles, office furniture or toys. With this software the companies can manage the complete cycle of his products, from the initial conception, design and manufacture, until the maintenance and obsolescence. In summary, can no only manage the designs in CAD, but also realizar the documentary management and integrate and systematise processes and workflows at the same time that it stores all the relative information to the product in an only repository.

At present 99% of the 26 million companies that exist in the European Union are SMEs and according to the Central Directory of Companies (DIRCE), to 1 January of the year 2012 there was in Spain 3.195.210 companies, of which 3.191.416 (99,88%) they were SMEs (between 0 and 249 employees). The new orientation presented by Siemens Industry Software is cream like answer to this reality. So much the big corporations like the SMEs confront , of equal form, to a global market, competitive, subject to regulations and with the same challenges. From Siemens want to put to his scope our experience in PLM with a version preconfigurada of Teamcenter, software of management of the cycle of life of the product leader in the market.

The small and medium enterprises do not find extraneous to the process of globalisation and international growth, and is here where a solution PLM can help them in all the cycle of life of the product creating some surroundings of connectivity and collaboration from the distinct areas of design until the factories, going through all and each one of the parts of the process.

Aurea López, director of Marketing of Siemens Industry Software
Aurea López, director of Marketing of Siemens Industry Software.

The business fabric Spanish of small and medium enterprises begins to see, increasingly, the utility to integrate a solution PLM. For example, we explain already with an important number of SMEs that work with Teamcenter, like a company of Galicia devoted to the sector of the agricultural machinery; one in Ciudad Real devoted to the manufacture of components for machinery; one in Seville that does elevators and elevators; one in Valency that manufactures tunnel washers for trucks or one in Catalonia that of devote to the sector of the motorcycles.

This version preconfigurada keeps all his functionalities: management of CAD, documentary management with integration with Microsoft Office, management and automation of processes with integration of workflows or management of changes of engineering. One of the main advantages is that it does not require of a big time of implantation. A SME can not allow, of the same forms that a big corporation, devote time and resources in a long process of implantation. With this solution preconfigurada ensures that in less than a month is the installed software and in full operation, what translates in a fast return of the investment. Besides, it is not necessary to have experience in YOU to use it. As it shows a study of Tech Clarity Insight, work with a version preconfigurada allows to obtain profits and ROI more quickly

Another important advantage is the automation and standardisation of processes, thing that carries to an important saving in time and cost. They exist processes and staff that can preconfigurar simplifying a lot the process.

Have all the relative information to a product in an only repository allows to win agility and saves time. It accelerates the research of last versions of product, allows a fast reuse of designs since it does not split of 0 and avoid like this a lot of errors. The information does not find disgregada and can control the type of access that each user has of this information.

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