
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Las soluciones de señalización ferroviaria de Siemens reducen el consumo energético y aumentan la eficiencia y la seguridad

The company participated besides in other activities that celebrated in the frame of the BCNRail

The solutions of rail signaling of Siemens reduce the energetic consumption and increase the efficiency and the hygiene

Editorial Interempresas26/11/2013

Siemens presented in the IV edition of the International Living room of the Rail Industry BCNRail —that celebrated of the 19 to 21 November in Fira of Barcelona— the most advanced technologies of rail signaling and automatic control of trains. The company will take advantage of his participation in the fair to give to know the portfolio integrated of products of his new division Rail Automation, created after the acquisition of the group Invensys Rail Dimetronic the past April. This portafolio articulates around four axles: solutions for lines of high speed and conventional, technology for automation and control of lines of metropolitan transport, systems shipped and systems for commodities and components.

The solutions for the signaling and control of metropolitan lines, that develops Siemens Rail Automation, allow to the rail operators increase the efficiency of his networks of transport by means of the reduction of the energetic consumption of the lines, what redunda in a decrease of costs and in a greater degree of sustainability and hygiene.

“With our solutions for the signaling and the control of the rail traffic contribute to create systems of transport more efficient, basic in the cities of the future, that improve the day in day out of thousands of people and play an important paper in the economic development of the cities”, explains Jesús Guzmán, adviser delegated of Siemens Rail Automation in Spain.

Stand Of Siemens in BCNRail 2013

Stand Of Siemens in BCNRail 2013.

Siemens aúna the sufficient competitions to carry out a project of complete mobility: rail automation, electrificación rail, solutions of intelligent traffic, material rodante, subestación, automation of systems aeroportuarios and postcards and the maintenance of all to do them more efficient.

The assistants to BCNRail could know, likewise, the characteristics of the systems ERTMS (European railway industry industry Traffic Management System) and CBTC (Communications Based Train Control) of Siemens Rail Automation, that convivirán for the first time in the project Marmaray, whose first stretch under the Bósforo went in in service the past 29 October, coinciding with the 90º anniversary of the Republic of Turkey.

The technologies for the lines of transport of commodities and miner occupy an important place in the portfolio of the Spanish division of rail signaling, that will supply these solutions for the rail transport of copper in the line Moatize-Nacala, in Mozambique, of 900 kilometres. This agreement, awarded recently to the Spanish division, is a strategic project since it is the first achieved in the mining sector, the most important in the region and is also the first adjudication after the integration of Dimetronic in Siemens.

Finally, the components and products for all type of rail projects, so much of road like shipped, that Siemens develops and supplies, are the last axis on which vertebra the porfolio that the assistants will be able to know at first hand in the rail living room.

International day of providers

Siemens participated in the ‘international Day of providers' that celebrated in the frame of the BCNRail, the Wednesday 20, with a report on the requirements in the homologation of providers of the company. Llorenç Vinent, responsible of Shopping of the Factory of Cornellà of Llobregat, Barcelona; Jesús Betes, director of Strategic Acquisitions of Big Accionamientos; and Susanne Rauch, responsible of Participation Anticipated of the Provider (ESI) of Big Accionamientos, explained the requirements of Siemens to the hour to recognise providers.

A stand modern left to see to the assistants the novelties in rail signaling
A stand modern left to see to the assistants the novelties in rail signaling.

XI Days of Maintenance in the Sector of the Transport

In parallel to the BCNRail, the Spanish Association of Maintenance (AEM) organised the XI Days of Maintenance in the Sector of the Transport, in which Siemens and Nertus participated, the Thursday 21, with the report ‘Solve IT innovative for a more efficient management of the maintenance'.

Francisco Payán, director of Maintenance of Rail Infrastructures of Siemens, spoke of the ‘multi-touch table', an innovative system IT that allows to monitor the rail traffic with the aim to achieve a fast and optimum answer and facilitates the taking of decisions in front of critical situations.

By his part, Luis Roche, boss of Systems of Information of Nertus, presented the evolution of the solutions IT adopted to implement an analytical system that help in the taking of decisions.

Stand 100% sustainable and recycled

The stand chosen by Siemens Rail Automation to be present in BCNRail was of a design in accordance with the high degree of commitment with the sustainability and the energetic efficiency of the company. All the elements that conformed it were conceived and designed for maximizar the energetic saving and the optimisation of costs.

The stand configured with a solado metallic with pieces melamínicas of agglomerated pressesing, recycled by the manufacturer through collected of containers of wooden recycling. The efficiency and the sustainability of this process certified by means of distributors recognised.

The materials used in the stand of Siemens are 100% recyclable
The materials used in the stand of Siemens are 100% recyclable.

The paintings used were mixed to the water, by what his chemical pollution is almost non-existent, and the lighting chosen was LED of low consumption, what ensures his energetic efficiency and the lower possible incidence in the environingingment. Finally, the excess waste moved by means of wooden exclusive containers to the plant of recycled.

When finalising the living room, reutiliza or recycles 100% of the materials for other fairs and events. Siemens reaffirms like this his commitment with the environingingment and shows that by means of a suitable use of the new technologies, any performance of the company can contribute to create a more sustainable world.

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Siemens, S.A. - Smart Infrastructure

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