
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Más cerca de la industria 4.0 con la tecnología de automatización de máquinas-herramienta de Siemens
Siemens favours to the integration of the technologies of automation

More near of the industry 4.0 with the technology of automation of machines-tool of Siemens

Editorial Interempresas24/09/2013

The construction of machines-tool needs solutions more integrated , in addition to greater productivity and versatility in the mechanised thanks to the enlargement of the systems of numerical control. Sinumerik And systems of accionamiento integrated are an excellent value added through an integration homogénea in all the cycle of life.

The industrial signatures face deep changes in the world of the manufacture. These changes come accompanied of an increasing integration of the processes of development and production with help of systems of innovative software and software of high performance, what supposes a decisive step to a new was industrial.

"Siemens works for many years in the integration of the technologies of automation in all the chain of value, what situates us in a position of leadership to the hour to define the future of the production", declares Robert Neuhauser, general director of the business of Systems of Control of Movement of the industrial division of Siemens.

"Regarding the surroundings Sinumerik in concrete and, therefore, to the field of the production CNC in general, Siemens works from does years in the area of simulations and virtual machines, in addition to in the integration in systems of YOU in factories. Ours put is to promote this process of integration with the end to guarantee that the field of the construction of machines tool was prepared for the industrie 4.0", continues Neuhauser.



With his family Sinumerik, Siemens offers a wallet of integral control that covers from machines simple tools until concepts of machine standardised or modular solutions premium, complemented with intelligent solutions for the economic manufacture of pieces of high range. Siemens looks for to expand of coherent way his experience with this technology CNC. "In the future, the models of production will demand increasingly productivity, versatility and efficiency to the time that simplify the handle of the machines and the sequences of production. Siemens works with the end to satisfy these expectations while it develops the wallet of products Sinumerik", adds Joachim Zoll, director of the division of machines tool of the unit of Systems of Control of Movement.

The innovations presented by Siemens in EMO 2013, celebrated in Hannover of the 16 to 21 September, will be oriented to improve the intelligent functions, what will increase the comfort in the operations CNC, will increase the precision of the piece and will endow of greater hygiene to the mechanised in all the categories of machines, from the most compact until the solutions of high range. Siemens will expose, for example, a new destined function to avoid unwanted collisions between components, together with other improvements to the interface of user Sinumerik Operate common, including the enlargement of the options of simulation.

The wallet Sinumerik exerts, besides, an increasingly important paper to the hour to prepare the terrain for the industry 4.0 in the field of the production CNC, as well as inside the frame of the systems of accionamiento integrated (IDS).

Applications Sinumerik

Applications Sinumerik.

In all the applications Sinumerik use usually components of system perfectly coordinated, like the powerful accionamientos Sinamics and the motors Simotics. In addition to the horizontal integration of all the train of accionamiento, with Sinumerik Integrate for Production, Siemens allows of the same way the vertical integration inside the architecture of control of the industrial automation. As it shows the case of an important manufacturer of tourisms, this type of vertical integration and horizontal in the process of production can accelerate until 50% the start of the manufacture in series of a new vehicle.

The integration along all the cycle of life of the product can be implemented to his time employing solutions of software PLM of Siemens suitable. This concept already has been put in practice in the main industries of processing of metals, like sucede in the aerospace sector and the sectors of automotive sector and medical technology. This comports the increasingly frequent execution of the development of the product and of the planning of the production in screen before installing an alone machine tool. When it develops a virtual machine employing this technology from zero to end to simulate it in his whole, is possible to attain a saving of until 40%.

The simulation and the continuous optimisation also make possible to increase the productivity 10% during the regular operation. In the edition of EMO of this year, Siemens will present the new advances in his software of management of the cycle of life of products, that covers scalable solutions for the production of components and improvement even more the integration with the YOU, from the model of the piece until the machine tool. Siemens will reveal likewise the next stage in productivity in programming NC with the evolution of his software PLM, NX CAM. From now this software will include functions of mechanised special for specific sectors, in addition to access to a new library of resources of manufacture.

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