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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Plastimac Iberia no falta a la cita mundial del plástico con cinco de sus representadas

Plastimac Iberia No lacking to the world-wide appointment of the plastic with five of his represented


Plastiblow (Hall 14, B56)

Plastiblow exposes in Düsseldorf a sopladora for the production of destined containers to the sector of the personal care. The model proposed is a sopladora of double car PB10And/DXL of accionamiento electrical in class To with a career of 800 mm for the production of containers with moulds of 6 cavities with distance between centres of 120 mm. The machine has a strength of closing of 24 tonnes and has mounted an extruder of 100 mm in conditions of plastificar 300 kg/h. The cabezal of extrusion has been projected to allow an optimum control in the extrusion of the parison and to realizar fast changes of colour, that result inferior to the half hour also with cabezales of multiple cavities.

Machine sopladora of Plastiblow
Machine sopladora of Plastiblow.

BA.S.FF (Hall 3, B55)

The Italian signature BA.S.FF. it is a skilled company in the production of machines soldadoras and equipment for the production of stock exchanges and sacks, already was of plastic material or of biodegradable material. The last novelty consists in a device for stock exchanges with angular welding deep down, a very requested application for piensos, raw materials, peat, etc.


Tecnova (Hall 17, To18)

The line of extrusion Mini 60 produced by Tecnova, apt for the regeneration of the undone of biodegradable material, is one of the most recent projects of the signature, specialised in the segment of the regeneration. With this development the Italian manufacturer wants to increase to the maximum the potential of market, the one of the transformation of the biodegradable plastics, that is growing rapidaménte.

The team, that is extremely compact and allows to contain the consumptions with a time production of until 150 kg, is composed by a special mill and by a system of cut in head, in addition to a system of cooling of granules that favours the immediate use to produce again biodegradable film.

Line of extrusion of Tecnova
Line of extrusion of Tecnova.

Cason Handling (Hall 3, C93)

During the K, Cason wants to consolidate his position eats reference of the Italian market and European in the produccción of cortadoras rebobinadoras for the industry of the converting. The fair is the perfect platform to present to the European and world-wide market the cortadora rebobinadora Innova Biback HPO. This model is the fruit of the wish of innovar and improve of Cason Srl and reflects the innovative and practical soul of a signature that has done of the ‘user friendly' and of the ‘technological development' his proprio creative model.

Cason Handling has organised in his stand, from the 11 to the 17:30 hours, a series of simulations in directto of movement of coils with robot of arm articulated, where the highly skilled personnel acoje to the visitors and will study with them the ideal solutions for the structural and productive characteristics of each company.

Cortadora rebobinadora Innova Biback HPO Of Cason Handling
Cortadora rebobinadora Innova Biback HPO Of Cason Handling.

Omso (Hall 4, B44)

Specialist in printers off set and silk-screening of containers for alimentary industry, cosmetica and pharmaceutical, the Italian manufacturer exposes in the K the machine automatica Ultratube, a printer for decoration of cylindrical tubes with flexographic technology and/or serigráfica, with production of until 200 pieces/min.
Printer of cylindrical tubes Ultratube of Omso
Printer of cylindrical tubes Ultratube of Omso.

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