
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El torneado centra la última jornada de puertas abiertas de DMG-Mori Seiki
First edition of the 'Turning Days'

Turning centers the last open day of DMG-Mori Seiki

Esther Güell18/07/2013

As it has become usual, Ripollet, Barcelona headquarters, DMG-Mori Seiki was again the scene to show solutions firm proposed for the engineering on this occasion sector more specifically for turning.

On this occasion was attended by 181 companies, explains David Gatell, director general, "mostly from the world of the bar turning". Visitors attend these days looking for high technology that allows them to confront their projects with the highest guarantees of success,

On the other hand, David Gatell valued assistance to these days 'positively. It is difficult to attract customers when we do three days of open doors to the year and in September will be held the EMO, but even so customers come to see the machines working."

Attendees were interested in the protagonist of the day, the model Sprint 42-10
Attendees were interested in the protagonist of the day, the model Sprint 42-10.

Sprint 42-10, an automatic lathe with high productivity

Among the exhibited machines especially highlighted Sprint 42-10, equipped with linear drives on X 1 and X 3 with 1 G acceleration, 8 + 2 axles, 2-axis and the standard model, motor integrated spindle of 6,500 rpm for the main spindle and the Sub-spindle, for machining of bars of maximum diameter 42 mm.

It's an automatic lathe with high productivity noted for optimal flow chips thanks to vertical covers or large tilt in machining area; the standard model, is also designed for wet, dry, and oil processing. It also includes automatic download of parts and conveyor of chips in the standard, being a solution model complete for production.

Sprint 42-10 winch is an automatic lathe with high productivity which, in its standard version, is designed for machining in wet, dry and oil...
Sprint 42-10 winch is an automatic lathe with high productivity which, in its standard version, is designed for machining in wet, dry and oil.

This edition of the Conference was dedicated to turning, in a clear bid to attract customers from the bar turning, just as it did and explains how David Gatell: "it has been the first edition of the 'Turning Days', i.e. days of turning, and we wanted customers interested have the possibility of seeing in situ working several lathes." In the previous open house of March we realized by care of customers that was interesting to make a few specific days of turning.

On the other hand, and as in previous editions, three were three technological seminars that aroused the interest of the sector and allowed to appeal more to the customer. These seminars were run by Sandvik, Schmolz Bickenbach and Mastercam Swiss Expert.

During the Conference attendees were able to see working models of DMG-Mori Seiki
During the Conference attendees were able to see working models of DMG-Mori Seiki.

During the Conference attendees were able to see working models of DMG-Mori Seiki as the model CTX 510 Ecoline, a turning CNC Centre with fast servo turret and a quick March of 30 m/min. Productive and easy to handle, thus defines the company this machine, which is part of the CTX Ecoline series, based on solid cast iron benches optimized to achieve the highest level of rigidity and the best performance with vibrations. In this range of machines, and in order to meet the needs of production, highest quality ball screws have been combined with linear roller guides.

Other exhibited machines was the NHX4000, a horizontal machining center with high precision and speed, along with NLX2500 and the new NL3000Y winches.

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DMG Mori Ibérica, S.L.U.

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