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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La Junta de Castilla y León organiza encuentros comerciales entre empresas con la cadena ATB-Bricocentro

The Junta de Castilla y León organizes business meetings between companies with ATB-Bricocentro chain


on July 5, 2013

The Ministry of economy and employment of Castilla y León , developed on 3 and 4 July, a series of meetings between regional companies in the sectors of wood, paint and plastics with the franchise network ATB-Bricocentro with the aim of positioning products manufactured in the Community markets, nationally and internationally, through large operators of commercial distribution. Business meetings have taken place in the center of business solutions in Arroyo de la Encomienda, Valladolid.

The Group ATB-Bricocentro, under the model franquiciado, unifies to several establishments under a same mark and has at present in Spain 16 establishments Bricocentro delivered by all the territory, 8 of them in Castile and Leon. To date the commercial meetings realised have centred in the wooden sectors, painting, ceramic products and more recently in the textile sector, in Boroughs the days 5 and 6 June past, with reason of the celebration of the Runway of the Fashion of Castile and Leon.

The figure of commercial meetings realised in the previous quarter has been of 62. The aim for the year 2013 is to close this year with more than 120 meetings realised. The general steering of Trade and Consumption is working to expand the business fabric of Castile and Leon that have these contacts of commercialisation, for what pretends extend the relation with companies manufacturers and producing of Castile and Leon of other commercial sectors, plastics, chemical and droguería, what will allow in next dates the celebration of new meetings.

Until this moment have analysed more than 300 categories of products and has studied and taken into account to more than 700 companies manufacturers of Castile and Leon. In this context it is necessary to stand out that the organisation of these meetings, that come developing from the first quarter of the year, launches positive results when having reached commercial agreements in fourteen of the sixty-two meetings realised. The companies manufacturers that have participated in the same have expressesed of majority form his satisfaction by this type of initiatives and his disposal to form part of future diaries.

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