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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Pimec organiza para el 27 de junio el segundo ‘Mercado financiapyme’

Pimec Organises for 27 June the second ‘Market financiapyme'


21 June 2013

After the first edition of the ‘Market financiapyme' that resulted a success according to the entities and national financial institutions and international that participated, Pimec, the patronal of the small and medium enterprise, summons a second edition for the next 27 June.

In her will repeat the entities participants of the first to end to facilitate that the SMEs can access to banking financials. It adds a new entity: the emrpesa national of innovation Enisa, of which Pimec is partner-intermediate, through which have conceded more operations of financials.

In spite of that they still can not concretise the figures that the operations of the first ‘Market financiapyme' are propiciando, since the closing of actions is long in the time, Fran of the Tower, director of the Strategic Quality consultancy and Financials of Pimec confirms that “all the pimes that presented his project have had offers by part of the entities and financial institutions assistants”. By this reason the patronal has decide to organise a second edition of this new format of interaction between SMEs and sources of financials where 5 companies will expose his projects and needs of financials.

As in the first edition, these companies come from of sectors very different. In group, his economic needs rise to 1,5 million euros. Two of them are of the industrial state (textile and paper); one of the sector give and promotion of company and accessories of the wine; one of the sector of the telepresencia; and another of the sector of the commercialisation of medical and surgical equipment.

By his part, the entities that have decided to participate in this second meeting are Enisa, Banc Sabadell, Cofides, BBVA, Bank Espirito Santo, Bankia, Bankinter, Box of Engineers, Banking March, Bank Santander, Popular Bank, Cesce, Bank Pichincha, Deutsche Bank, Catalonia Caixa, La Caixa. Also they will assist Antonio Giralt, president of the Stock market Alternative Market (MAB) and vicedirector general of the Stock exchange of Barcelona, and representatives of the Institut Català of Financialss (ICF). The act will repeat localitzación in the building of the Stock exchange of Barcelona.

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