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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La manzana de oro de Helmut Roegele S.A. celebra sus 50 años de historia
The company celebrates 50 years to the service of the transformative industry of plastic with the innovative spirit and emprendedor that has done them leaders

The apple of gold of Helmut Roegele S.A. celebrate his 50 years of history

Lara Guardiola28/06/2013

The big histories begin almost by chance. It suffices with the impetus of an emprendedor, an idea that drags to the change and arrives to the transformation. They ran the years sixty when Helmut Roegele saw an opportunity of business in a copy of the magazine Kunststoffe. Although his profession like manager of an important company was not related with the plastic, called him the attention a report of a manufacturer of machines of injection that looked for representatives far of Germany. An opportunity that carried to this restless emprendedor to aventurarse to Spain with a full case of illusion, fascination and some savings. It did not forget the copy of Kunststoffe, that accompanied him in his briefcase together with the catalogues of the machines of injection of meeting in meeting. Justo when the dream began to dispel , all the work and the illusion invested gave his fruit with the arrival of the first important request. This request changed the life of the family Roegele that installed in Barcelona. Helmut  Founded the company Helmut Roegele S.To. The company harvested success after success, obtaining the position leader of the sector. A position that, 50 years later, keeps thanks to the values that carried to that youngster emprendedor to transform an idea in the company leader in representation and world-wide distributor of manufacture of transformative machinery of plastic, in the Spanish and Portuguese market.

The installations of Helmut Roegele S.A. of 3.500m2, is conformed by a group of modern installations with the last technology...

The installations of Helmut Roegele S.A. of 3.500m2, is conformed by a group of modern installations with the last technology.

The familiar company Helmut Roegele S.A. was founded in the year 1963 by Helmut Roegele, an important employer of German origin that raised in Spain a philosophy of life: humanizar the sector of transformers of plastic. But the origin of Helmut Roegele S.A. comes from of the company that Helmut founded previously, RIS (Representation, Import and Supplies), a small society that launched an innovative technology of transformation of plastic. With RIS took place a transformation in the industry, Helmut represented the first machine of injection with husillo and valve antiretorno, property of the signature Stuebbe (manufactured in the year 1956). Between the services that offered RIS stood out the advice, processing and gestión for the import of machinery to Spain. A current service of 'partner' that the company follows keeping to cover the needs of his customers.

Helmut Roegele, founder of the present company in Spain from 1963 and leader of the sector
Helmut Roegele, founder of the present company in Spain from 1963 and leader of the sector.

Between the years 1963 and 1966 the company achieved to gather a wide portfolio formed by 13 German marks, companies of prestige and of world-wide reference as they are: Illig, Rapid, Kallfass, Hesta, Anger, between others. Many of them, to day of today, follow trusting the work of Helmut Roegele. To principle of the decade of the years 70, the company gave another very important step with the signature of the agreement of collaboration with the Austrian company Engel, and likewise, also was appointed official and exclusive representative in the Spanish market of this manufacturer of inyectoras. Today, Helmut Roegele S.A. celebrate his 50 years of history. The company, situated in the Industrial Polygon of Grinded of the Bastida in Rubí (Barcelona), has assisted along all these years to different changes, always focused to the professional and personal progress. One of them affects of personalised form to the retirement of his founder Helmut Roegele that has left the handle of the rudder to his son Bernd Roegele like general director of the company..

In the image poses Bernd Roegele, manager of the company
In the image poses Bernd Roegele, manager of the company.
The company celebrates 50 years like representative leader of the greater companies devoted to the manufacture of machinery, in addition to being the exclusive distributor in Spain and Portugal of some of the marks of reference in the different technologies of transformation of plastic. The company represents to Engel (machines of injection, robots and moulds), Illig (machines and moulds for termoconformado), Geaf (welding AF), Weber (lines of extrusion outline/tubes), Buss AG (extrusion/compounding), Single (atemperadores and refrigerators), Koch (dosificadores, mezcladores and dehumidifiers), Go Dam (impressesion offset in dry), and Wanner (mills trituradores). For this, in addition to an attitude emprendedora and spirit of sacrifice has needed to wrap of a big team of professionals that work day in day out to satisfy the exigencias of his customers. The installations of the company are wide and modern. Distributed in 3.500 m2 , find different specific rooms of services as they are: a totally instrumented workshop, a room 'showroom', a classroom of learning and a room of Attention to the Customer.

Helmut Roegele S.A. a mate of trip

In a context of crisis, Helmut Roegele continuous S.A. being, more than a mere trading company, a true mate of suitable trip for the companies of the sector. The capacity to read the new opportunities that offers the market, the manufacturing of competitive strategies of design and marketing, the investigation and the development of new technologies implanted in machines automated, the approach the future of the sector to the 'now' it follows situating to the company in a very good position in the market. In some economic surroundings very degraded, Roegele bets more than ever by the internationalisation, the improvement and the improvement of the quality of his services of excellence. Like this, it offers a fan of personalised solutions according to the characteristics of the companies of his customers and his real needs, a service postventa that improves of continuous form thanks to the collaboration with his customers, day in day out. As also a service of fast and agile logistics, able to serve his requests in any region inside his network of service, from any point of Europe. Because of the constant innovation of the company to attain the greater comfort and satisfaction of his customers, has of a service of secondhand machines, that offers the greater quality in machinery to affordable prices for the pocket of the customer. This service is specialised in machines of injection of plastic and installations of termoformado.

Between the keys of the success of the company established in Barcelona, finds the service of distribution of original spare parts to prices of market with a guarantee of 24 months. A current computer system, connected directly with the manufacturer, that allows to locate the spare parts with agility and precision, and verify his availability in so alone some minutes. It stands out his vocation by the service, his wide knowledge and experience, and his technical professionals. It is not a commonplace, the technical team of Roegele has a big experience and polivalencia that allows to offer to the customer an answer resolutiva in little time, and an excellent and responsible attention. Between the services that offers this line, find : the telephone attention, diagnostics 'on-line', agreements 'Hot-Line 24/7', preventive maintenances and electronic measurements.

Helmut Roegele S.A...

Helmut Roegele S.A. invests in essential values like the work in team, a solid manufacturing and continuous learning and some perfectly designed installations to offer the best service to his customers.

On the other hand, for the company is essential to offer an excellent service of learning, know the properties and applications of the machines and of the equipment supplied to the customers with the aim to obtain a performance and aprovechamiento optimum. Thus, the company puts the emphasis in guaranteeing a suitable and continuous learning so much for the customers as for his internal and external personnel. For example, by means of courses of learning and of recycling that can realise in the own installations of the company, or, in the installations of the customers that like this require it. The values that accompanied to Helmut in the learning and foundation of the company 50 years ago, continue presents today like the solid pillar that will help to build a competitive future no only for Helmut Roegele S.A. but for all the sector of transformers of plastic.

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Roegele, S.A.

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