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The intelligent technology of Siemens optimises the product with a cost reduced

NPO Saturn Manufactures the engine SAM146 with technology of Siemens Industry Software

Editorial Interempresas07/05/2013
NPO Saturn Is a company established in the sector of the aviation from 1916 that develops and manufactures motors of turbine of gas for commercial and military aeroplanes, fuselages of the marine, electrical head offices and gasolineras. The Russian company has construído the engine Sam146 in collaboration with the French Snecma, stepping more in his plans of expansion.
The team of professionals of NPO Saturn and Snecma worked jointly in the manufacture of the innovative engine SAM146
The team of professionals of NPO Saturn and Snecma worked jointly in the manufacture of the innovative engine SAM146.
During the last decade, NPO Saturn has developed and advanced his capacities and portfolio. Specialised in the construction of motors for aviation, bases his strategy of growth in the investigation and technological design. Nowadays, NPO Saturn is developing at the same time more than ten new reagents and gives support to all the cycle of life of his products – from the manufacture until the service to the customer. The high competitiveness in the sector has reinforced the values of the company by the investigation in engineering, carrying it to purchase the technology Siemens that it has helped it to design a new engine SAM146. "With the solutions of Siemens Industry Software, have reduced significantly the time of development of the engine and have established processes of business that answer to the best international practices. Like result, the company is partner equitativo in big international projects like the program SAM146", it indicates Yuri Zelenkov, director of Technologies of the Information, in NPO Saturn.
An engine to reaction is one of the products realised more complicated based in the engineering. His development llevar with an analysis in depth and with experimental investigation in thermodynamics, aerodynamic, the strength, the acoustics, the science of materials, etc. is not of extrañar that before the introduction on a large scale of the production with technologies of the information advanced, the cycle of development of a new engine took some 12 or 15 years.
In a sector where the technology advances to steps enlarged, did evident that compete successfully in the global market of the motors of aeroplanes required a faster development and less costly, which was impossible without a big scale of computer-aided design (CAD) and systems of deployment for the gestión of the cycle of life of the product (PLM). NPO Saturn Analysed the main offers of CAD and PLM and opted by the solutions of Siemens PLM Software to advance in his plans and put. "With the change of millenium, the company confronted to a difficult challenge: arrive to be the developer of reagents bigger of Russia, to go in in the world-wide market, and enter in new areas of business like the services of post-sale, comments Yuri Zelenkov. “In this way, we have had to develop a new family of products. The management of the company gave account that the system of gestión of the data of development and engineering had to be drastically changed by an application extensiva of advanced YOU. The reason was not only to evolve following the fashion and the tendency of the times, but rather to face up to the real needs of the company. When it competes in a very aggressive market, can not allow the luxury to happen 15 years developing an engine, as it was the case in the Soviet times”, adds.
Challenges of business

  • Expand in the international market of motors of aeroplane
  • Create a new family of products
  • Develop motors faster and economic

The implantation of the technology Siemens speeds up the process of design and production with a reduction of costs

In 2001, in the Living room of Moscow Air, NPO Saturn executed his first important agreement with Siemens PLM Software. It covered two solutions: software NX in two basic configurations destined to the designers and engineers of manufactura and Software TeamCenter for a complete integration of PLM in all the organisation. The software was supplied by ZAO Innovation Technologies and Solutions, a partner of Siemens PLM Software. ZAO Remains with Saturn for the licences and implementation of PLM.
“All the stages of development of motors —analysis of engineering, planning of the production, the programming NC, manufacture and essays— realise of way simultanea and synchronised, no one after the other… Like result of this, the total time of development has reduced ', adds Zelenkov. “Nowadays, NPO Saturn has a production totally ‘paperless'. Sometimes the drawings have to print for tasks of manufacture, but treats of a very practical derivative of the utilisation of a model 3D”, continues the director of IT in NPO Saturn. “With the new engine SAM 146, all the parameters have optimised using technologies PLM and the supercomputación. The digital technologies have helped to reduce to a large extent the costs of development, since the physical prototypes no longer are necessary”, explains Zelenkov.
Key to achieve his put
  • Implement NX CAD/FALLS/CAM and Teamcenter
  • Establish efficient processes of company
  • Enter simultaneous engineering
  • Replace experimental studies by analysis engineers via supercomputadora
In the 2003, NPO Saturn and Snecma began to develop jointly the new engine SAM146 turboventilador mixed, that would form part of the family Sukhou Superjet 100. For the NPO Saturn, this relation with one of the leaders of the industry of the manufacturación resulted an extremely valuable experience, especially in the application and utilisation of practices of business advanced.

Nowadays, the computer-aided technologies of NPO Saturn (CAx) are sintonizadas with the company using at length NX for the digital development of the prototype of engine and Teamcenter for PDM. The operation of virtual development of the product with NPO Saturn bears a cycle of life of extreme to extreme: modelado in 3D, gestión of the configuration of the product, and programming of the numerical control (NC). In fact, the company has several cientos of scheme of NC. The technologies of Siemens PLM Software are used in each one of the stages.

One of the keys of the production of this engine has been the simultaneous engineering optimised. “All the stages of development of the engine – analysis of engineering, planning of the production, programming NC, manufacture and essays – realise of simultaneous form synchronised, no one behind another”, informs Zelenkov. “For example, when the design of some parts is blocked, the manufacture begins before the final approval. Like result, the total of the time of development reduces ”, declares Zelenkov.
Zelenkov Concludes: “NPO Saturn has big plans for a greater cooperation with Siemens PLM software and his partner, Innovation Technologies and Solutions. Such effective association has to continue. We go to use them solutions of this team en el futuro, go to change to new versions and dominate new capacities. The development advanced of new products would be impossible without these”.
  • Reduce the time of development of motors to the half
  • Delete the prototype test, saving significantly the program of costs
  • Win valuable international experience
  • Development and certification of the engine SAM146: other projects in course on a large scale
  • Establish some virtual surroundings developed fluent
  • Make possible an efficient collaboration with a partner international: Snecma in France

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