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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El reciclaje de plástico creará 160.000 empleos en Europa hasta el año 2020

Day Aimplas- Cicloplast on the Sustainable plastic

The recycling of plastic will create 160.000 employments in Europe until the year 2020

Editorial Interempresas21/11/2012
The Valencian Community leads the recycled of plastics in Spain, one of the sectors with more potential of growth and of creation of employment of the next years. The region has the greater concentration of companies recicladoras of the country, specifically 25% of the 107 that operate in Spain, according to the last Report of Anarpla-Cicloplast. Ibon Linacisoro, director of plastic Universal /Interempresas moderated one of the round tables.

Valencia has been by a day the city of reference to speak of the sustainability and the saving of resources that offer us the plastics, his material and energetic value and the new final markets that put in value this material.

Representatives of the European Union, national and autonomic, business associations, companies of the plastic sector and experts of first level of different countries have given appointment today in the day Sustainability, Recycled and Valorisation of the plastics celebrated today in the Technological Park of Valencia and organised jointly by Aimplas (Technological Institute of the plastic) and Cicloplast.

Ibon Linacisoro, director of Universal plastics /Interempresas moderated one of the round tables

“The recycling of plastic will create 160.000 employments in Europe until 2020 if it achieves the aim of a tax of recycled of 70% in this term”, went the message that transmitted Helmut Maurer representative of the General Steering of Environingingment of the European Commission.

In a moment of economic crisis, this message has special importance in the Valencian Community when being leader in the number of companies recicladoras, representing 19% of the national production of plastic recycled only by behind Catalonia.

“To follow increasing the indexes of recycled of plastics (at present 26% similar to the European average), Cicloplast bets by investigation that contribute solutions ecoeficientes sustainable and of high value added”, indicated Alberto Caldeiro, technical director of Cicloplast.

The Valencian Community represents 19% of the national production of plastic recycled being the second in importance after Catalonia (29%)

However, the percentage of destined plastic to energetic valorisation, that in Spain is of 20%, is still far of 76% of countries like Switzerland, Germany, Austria or Sweden, “our effort has to head to avoid that the plastics follow wasting in dump, complementing the recycled mechanic with the energetic valorisation in the cases in that it was more ecoeficiente this last option”, signals Eva Verdejo, responsible of recycled and environingingment of Aimplas.

The Valencians recycle annually 17 kilos of plastic by inhabitant, 31% more than the national average (13 kilos/hab/year).

This desfase with the countries that exert the leadership in matter of environingingment, constitutes however an economic opportunity for Spain. To such an extent it is like this, that if the states members of the European Union attain to reach the aims of recycled in the horizon of 2020, this sector of activity will create by himself only a total of 160.000 employments until then. As it has explained the president of Cicloplast, Víctor Zapata: “Bet by the innovation in the recycled mechanic and open new channels for the energetic recovery can suppose an enormous opportunity for the Spanish economic recovery”.

One of the aims of the celebrated meeting in Valencia has been to pose roads so that the companies of the Valencian Community can take advantage of the plastic waste that is not viable to recycle and that at present allocate to dump to create fuel or like source of power. From the area of Waste of the Generalitat Valencian have presented the formalities that a company has to realise to implant a system that can contribute an energetic value to his waste. “In addition to the undoubted environingingmental profit of this initiative it is necessary to stand out the positive economic impact on our companies, since they would reduce significantly his cost in power” has affirmed Eva Verdejo.

Innovations for the sustainability

In the day organised by Cicloplast and Aimplas, companies like Mercadona also have presented his bet by the sustainability through products in which they have taken into account the guidelines that emanate of the ecodiseño, presenting examples of how the plastics help to transport more with fewer resources guaranteeing always the maximum quality and hygiene.

Sp-Berner, Valencian company leader in the transformation of plastics, presented in the day his strategy of sustainability and ecoinnovación in plastics recycled, showing his complete line of products for the cleaning of the home elaborated 100% with plastic recycled.

Related Companies or Entities

AIMPLAS - Instituto Tecnológico del Plástico
Cicloplast, S.A.

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