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Water filters washers: lava pavimentos and washes carpets

Picture of Water filters washers
The manufacturers and users of the water washers to pressesure, so much the professionals like the fans use his launch with filters of high pressesure with the models HP and HHP (high pressesure).

Available in all the range of references required by the market, the filter of HP / HHP is recubierta with a special compound that provides a long length. Through different internal test of proofs, that does regularly, can guarantee a durable life and therefore the maintenance of the initial discharge to a pressesure of 200 bar for a longer period of 200 hours (hardness and temperature of the water controlled).

Manufacturers of machinery of professional cleaning use, to protect the bomb of high pressesure, the static filters, manufactured in aluminium.

There are a lot of manufacturers that use the filters of high pressesure of chorro of water, and also there are a lot of shops of spare parts and of maintenance of these machines, that are used to to choose the filters of HP-HHP for the user, by reasons of good relation quality-price.

The filters of the series HP-HHP with a chorro rectilinear are used by some manufacturers of cabezales rotary presses motorised of cleaning by reasons of quality of the powdered, of the impact and by his length.

The traditional filters of flat exit use in diverse industrial applications, such as:

For the wash of the carpets of the aeroplanes.

For the powdered of steam / waters of the brush for the wash of carpets. Although the cost for this industry results extremely high, the customer considers it like an advantage the fact of not replacing the filter in function of if it is for the steam or for the water.

For the machines washing machinees of pieces of considerable dimensions, for the mechanical pieces. In the actuality there are a lot of applications (with specific filters) in this field.

Operations of nebulización with the end of not creating the dust during the cleaning of surfaces.

Has to take into account that it is possible to design filters depending on the needs of the customer.