Zetae, S.A. - Tool holders

D'Andrea MONOforce

Tool: for high precision requirements

Picture of Tool
The D' Andrea's MONOforce tool, marketed by Zetae, S.A., are ideal for machine tools that require high standards of accuracy and the swing of tools requiring high torque loads.

The program MONOforce screw machine HSK63, DIN 69871, MAS BT support and CAT is made of ISO 50 and ISO 40 sizes. With reduction of 20 and 32 mm cylindrical clamps, they are available in the range compatible with these diameters of accommodation perimeter for swing of 3 to 25 mm in diameter.

The MONOforce tool are also available in practical complete kits with reduction tweezers and keys to swing.

Main features is the long durability and they are preequilibrados at 12,000 rpm, with concentricidad in the seat of the tool contained in the 0,002 mm and tolerance of cone AT3.