FANUC Iberia, S.L.U. - Painting robots


System of robot for painting: with a maximum load of 15 kg

Picture of System of robot for painting
The system robotizado P-200And Fanuc Robotics integrates the most advanced equipments of process of the industry, to improve the process of painting and improve the most demanding results.

Integrating the cambiador of colour and the valves of control of fluid, reduces the losses of painting and the time of change of colour, improving the time of cycle. This provides an increase of the performance. Simplifying the replacement of aplicadores manual, the system P-200And facilitates the installation in a big variety of applications of painting.

The system P-200And provides a big flexibility in solutions for the process of painting.

It goes instrumented with six axles and admits a maximum load of 15 kg, with a maximum scope of 2,800 mm and a repetibilidad of ±0,5.