Centrotécnica - C.T. Servicio, S.A. - Aggregate and recycling metal detectors


System of detection of metals in camera of cut IMD: free system until finals of 2007

Picture of System of detection of metals in camera of cut IMD
Inside the presentation of the renewed range of trituradores Goliath Plus of Moditec, distributed in Spain by C.T.Service – Centrotécnica, with the advantages known of the slow speed. Moditec Offers the system of detection of metals in camera of cut IMD of form totally free, for all request confirmed before end of 2007.

The system IMD, patented and exclusive of Moditec, applicable to all the range Goliath and Titan; it has designed to avoid important damages in case of accidental fall of a metallic piece in the camera of cutting of the triturador; and at the same time, avoid that metallic particles happen to the lines of feeding of material of the machines, in installations automated of recycled; with the high costs that this involves. In fact, in what the system detects a metallic part (by contact between two zones of the camera of cutting) the rotor of the triturador Goliath Plus for immediately: the time of reaction is of 40 thousandth of second. The operario can see immediately the signal of alarm and the reason of the stop in the screen LCD of the electrical picture of the triturador; open it, clean the content deleting the metallic particle; and in few minutes reiniciar the work of trituración, avoiding damages to the mill, pollution of the system of feeding of the material and a costly failure in the machine and/or mould.