Raorsa Maquinaria, S.L. - Conveyor belts

Virginio Nastri CB

Strip transportadora: with hopper of reception

Picture of Strip transportadora
Inside the Standard range Line, the company Virginio Nastri, represented in Spain by Raorsa, develops the model CB, a strip bent with a horizontal part in his inferior part provista of hopper of reception where will deposit the product from the inyectora. The hopper of reception can change sideways or delete of form very simple to be able to place the strip transportadora in both steerings, not being forced to install the band always in a position in concrete. The strip transportadora is regulable in height by means of a system of hydraulics bomb that, with a simple manivela, can go up and go down all the body of the strip, for like this be able to join up it to the zone of reception properly. Also it is provista of aletas to allow the ascensión of the products deposited on her.

This model of stravel transportadoras covers a big family of possibilities. In addition to the model CB, also can supply the model CBS, with similar characteristics but with an articulation in the angle that allows to bend the band of 0 to 35º. Neither it is necessary to forget the model CBD, which supplies usually with separador of coladas and characterises because in his top has incorporated a flat zone horizontal. A combination of these two submodelos previous is possible with the incorporation of the model of strip transportadora CBDS.