Euspray by Eurospray Spray and Filter Technology, S.L. - Noozles and atomizers


Sprayers Pneumatics: for discharges very low

Picture of Sprayers Pneumatics
The atomizador pneumatics in stainless steel, especially designed to be able to powder next quantities to the 0,5 litres by hour, was cream of the need to disinfect the containers of small and very reduced diameter (near of 10 mm) and of big depth (in the actuality are treated until the 80 mm) using a very low quantity of liquid desinfectante.

The special form of this filter, only in his family, facilitates the disinfection of the viales, frascos, bottles of diverse sizes and diverse materials.

In the actuality results difficult to require that the pulverización can arrive at the end of the container without having to use excessive quantities of liquid that is really necessary for the suitable disinfection of the containers, as well as it is also very difficult the correct adjust of pressesures of supply without any problem of excess of powdered or of drops too big and difficult to dry and damage to the final product.

His individual forms of external design, allows his use out of aberturas very small and can arrive to several depths, whereas his only internal structure does that it was easy to correct the lower dose of the liquid.

The pressesure of supply of the liquid can be very low (even inferior to 0,1 bar), the pressesure of air already can be effective in around 0,5 bar to 1,5 bar in function of the type of nebulización to obtain, and the quality of the pulverización will result always correct.

The regularisation of the discharge of the liquid is very easy because when being an atomizador of external mix, does not see affected by the pressesure of supply of air.