Euspray by Eurospray Spray and Filter Technology, S.L. - Humidifiers and dehumidifiers

Euspray Nozzles

Refrigeration evaporativa: this system is entirely ecological

Picture of Refrigeration evaporativa
Refrigeration evaporativa: the reduction of the temperature of the air takes place when the water evaporates and embezzles heat to the surrounding environingingment.

A natural process that occurs without need of external power.

This system is entirely ecological.

It does not use any gas refrigerante and the supply of electrical power proceeds exclusively of the feeding of a bomb to create the nebulización of the water.


- Squares in the open air, sportive enclosures, cafés in the open air, bars, breweries, hotels, restaurants: refrigeration, like ahuyentador of mosquitos, scenographical effects;

- Centres wellness, parks: refrigeration, like ahuyentador of mosquitos, scenographical effects;

- Criaderos: desodorización, sanitización, refrigeration;

- Works, areas of work, excavations and zones of painted: refrigeration, elimination of dusts, elimination of electrostatic loads;

- Greenhouses, cellars: refrigeration and moistening;

- textile Industry of hilados: moistening and elimination of electrostatic loads.