Comercial Schneider, S.A. - Plastic mills / granulators

Herbold Meckesheim Shredder serie HB

Mill of cutting: for the trituración of bullets, coils of folios opened, mazacotes, etc

Picture of Mill of cutting

The mill of cutting everything in one of the new series of construction HB of Herbold Meckesheim is ideal for the trituración bullets, coils of folios opened, bundles stuck from spinnings of pieces melted, mazacotes, tortas big of thick walls and pieces of plastic very bulky.

Can fill the hopper tank and without need of personnel of service empty little by little the content of the hopper by means of an empujador of hydraulics movement. The rotor has conceptuado of such form that only goes triturando the material that goes receiving of the empujador hydraulics.

Up to now, it was not possible to achieve a granulated fine with this Shredder, many times the inferior limit situated with the sieve of 15 – 20 mm, so that it requires an intermediate transport and a back mill to achieve a granulometry in a margin of 4 – 8 mm with good time performance.

This can achieve now, in an alone step. The mill of cut HB of Herbold combines the concept of the hopper tank with the empujador hydraulics in a mill of cutting. Thanks to the design of the camera of molturación and to the high succession of cuttings can elaborate material molturados fine, splitting of materials that come in bullets or coils of folios opened, bundles stuck between yes from spinnings of pieces melted, but also mazacotes or tortas big, of thick walls, from starts of machines.

Also it has big hollow bodies as for example IBC's, containers recolectores of pluvial waters can be worked on this installation of form very economic. Can feed big quantities of material (for example a big number of boxes of beverages) without request of a feeding dosificada and without risk that they form atascos in the camera of molturación. After the feeding of the quantity of material and filled the hopper container no longer requires personnel of service, what allows a partial automation.

A big advantage of this new solution is that his execution saves space, since only it has of a process of trituración. Besides with an alone process of trituración is much easier to realise the cleaning to change of colour or of material. Likewise only it requires realise the change of blades and maintenance in an alone machine.

Also it has accommodations of the willing rotor to the outside, by what avoids that they penetrate fine and fats lubricantes to the material, double bent cut and safe soldered construction against breaks.