DTC Tecnología, S.L. - Magnetic lifters

Tecnomagnete MaxX1000 /2000 +ATS

Magnetic elevator with system autotest: with a simple touch activates an active hygiene

Picture of Magnetic elevator with system autotest
The magnetic elevators of manual control MaxX 1000 / MaxX 2000 of Tecnomagnete, that commercialises DTC Technology, can supply with the system patented integrated of ‘Car Test' of the load ATS.

This device is prepared to detect the strength generated by the elevator MaxX on the specific load and afterwards compare it with the weight of the same, determined by a cell of integrated load in the ring of the elevator.

When the strength generated by the elevator was not at least the same to twice the weight of the load, the system issues an audible and visible signal to warn to the operario, which will have to paralyse the operation of elevation.

The digital screen shows relative values so that the operario can obtain all the necessary informations to automate the manipulation in optimum conditions of hygiene.

Oprimiendo Simply the pulsador of activation, before proceeding to the phase MAG, the device ATS comes activated and verifies so much the strength generated by the elevator in relation to the load in contact like the weight of the load to raise.

The two models MaxX/ATS can use of traditional way in the field of coefficient of hygiene 3 foreseen in the current standards or also activating the system ATS can manipulate of responsible form the loads with weight, even increased, taking advantage of the coefficient 2 of the alarm ATS.