STX Radial Ambient, S.L. - Thermoforming machinery

Kiefel IV-Express

Machinery for the production of stock exchanges for intravenous probe: for the medical industry

Picture of Machinery for the production of stock exchanges for intravenous probe
Machines for stock exchanges used in transfusions: In the field of welding of film flat or tubular, by termocontacto or radiofrecuencia, Kiefel provides solutions for the manufacture of stock exchanges of transfusions that fulfil with the highest requirements in operation.

It loans special attention in fulfilling and control strictly the criteria of quality in the production of the stock exchanges of blood. Kiefel Offers to his customers the suitable level of automation to satisfy his needs and like this optimise his efficiency

Machines for filters of blood: Kiefel offers, with this innovative concept of machine, a formula optimised to satisfy the needs of the market. In narrow collaboration with his customers, Kiefel has developed a state-of-the-art machine on line, designed for the manufacture of filters of blood.

Machines for stock exchanges of ostomía: The stock exchanges of ostomía are done of materials extremely fine. To ensure the maximum reliability and quality of the product, his manufacture requires of constant surveillance of the parameters of welding.