Roegele, S.A. - Injection moulding machines for multicomponent – multicolor

Engel v-duo

Large vertical injectors: they open up new potential to Lightweight construction

Picture of Large vertical injectors
Engel Austria has introduced an innovative process of light compounds in their vertical range Engel v-duo. To add stiffening elements such as sheets, organic tapes - and in the case of in situ polymerization and the high-pressure RTM process - often makes sense working with gravity. A vertical unit offers benefits in these cases, increasing efficiency.

Engel v-duo makes the process of light compounds. The vertical version of the duo's large size machine also has a compact design with low height and weight. The low height of the machine ensures easy access to the area of manipulation and maintenance while the relatively low weight of the machine reduces the investment costs since it allows to use the existing facilities. Also reduces the cost of the base, if we had to build a new structure. Leaving aside the conventional hydraulic accumulator and opting for an ecoDrive which saves energy as standard, the machine is very profitable.

Even the standard version of Engel model v-duo offers a wide range of options, while others can be added at any time. The universal control technology based on a CC 200 control unit includes software packages to, inter alia, self-protection, measure and adjust the parallelism between plates and optimize the closing force.

Machine control programs developed over the years (for inyeccion-compresion with accurate regulation of the parallelism between the plates, for example), can also be used in the v-duo.

Engel model v-duo is available in five closing force ranges: 400, 700, 1100, 1700 and 2,300 tons.