DMG Mori Ibérica, S.L.U. - Laser cutting equipment

Lasertec 20 FineCutting y Lasertec 40

It schemes laser: for the cut of precision and start of shaving

Picture of It schemes laser

Lasertec Centres in the do of laser for the cut of precision and start of shaving. Sauer GmbH Shows once again his innovative competition in the mechanised with laser with the machines Lasertec 20 FineCutting and Lasertec 40.

The core of the two developments for the cut of precision or the start of shaving by laser respectively is the utilisation of the technology laser oriented to the future. The design DMG includes the control DMG Ergoline with Siemens 840D solutionline. With the Lasertec 20 FineCutting, Sauer GmbH presents a compact machine of high technology for the cut of precision by laser, whose area of work of (X/And/Z) 200 x 300 x 280 mm expands new possibilities, thanks to the accionamientos direct of high dynamism in all the linear axles as well as in the rotary presses axles in the version of 5 axles.

Like this they ensure the maximum values of acceleration above 2g, the same that a maximum precision of the outlines even for geometry of filigree and a maximum precision in the piece with P3 in the machine of 3 axles and P5 in the version of 5 axles.

With steps of until 20 µm, achieve without problems tasks of high precision in ranks of micras, even in tasks of complex cutting. In these cuttings of precision ensures the second innovative appearance of the Lasertec 20 FineCutting.

The success of this source of laser is the excellent superficial finishing and the degree of precision obtained in the cut at the same time, with a step of 20 µm.

Another advantage of the do of laser is his easy integration in the design portico of high dynamism and of high precision of the Lasertec 20 FineCutting.

In base to different improve laser and in combination with the excellent regulation of power of exit of a do of laser without that repercuta in the superficial quality, can realise a big number of applications in an alone machine.

The low costs of maintenance and of services thanks to the long length of life of the diodes until 100,000 hours round the advantages of this machine. The machine LASERTEC 20 FineCutting has unquestionably his greater application in the market of the industry relojera, where the small mechanical components like the manecillas of the clock, the spheres or the toothed wheels of diverse materials cut with a precision of micras. But also it has his field of application in the medical technology with surgical instruments of filigree or elements for the endoscopy. The same applies in the manufacture of the angles of cut in the plaquitas of the tools of precision of PCD, CVD and CBN or to mechanise edges of cuttings of broaches, plaquitas and tools of rectified.