Centrotécnica - C.T. Servicio, S.A. - Injection moulding machine for micropieces

Boy Boy ‘E’

Inyectoras: with servo engine for the accionamiento of the hydraulics bomb

Picture of Inyectoras
In the presentation of his new Series of inyectoras Boy ‘And', the German manufacturer in machines of small tonelaje follows contributing to the market advanced technical to produce more and better with the lower possible cost.

The base of the operation of this new series of inyectoras is the employment of a servo engine for the accionamiento of the hydraulics bomb of the machine. Unlike the traditional systems of bomb of variable trip controlled electronically that they handle by means of an asynchronous engine (performance regulable and pressesure via an angle giratorio internal), the operation of the bomb with servo engine of Boy, leaves the control of pressesure to a conversor. It is precisely this conversor the one who controls the necessary pressesure with variable speed and of an extremely dynamic way and precise. When the capacity of the bomb is required, the servo engine works only with the exact speed required to establish the necessary performance. By the other, the engine is stopped and does not use power. The reflation of the engine fulfils without delays and with full capacity of load of the bomb in what it requires .

The saving of power is of roughly a 50 percent asemejándose to the power used by machines of electromechanical operation, but with the advantages of the experienced hydraulics technology and his applications.

The operation of the bomb servo engine transfers only a small quantity of heat to the oil, like this, the quantity required of refrigeration of power reduces to the minimum. The new technology reduces the noise of the machine to a 20 percent and is a 10 percent faster and more dynamic.