Centrotécnica - C.T. Servicio, S.A. - Injection moulding machines for universal use (thermoplastic)

Boy XS y XSV

Inyectora Of low consumption: for microinjection

Picture of Inyectora Of low consumption
‘Simply precise', east is the slogan that better defines to the machine of injection Boy XS with a strength of closing of 100 kN. Boy, specialist in machines of injection with strength of inferior closing to 1.000 kN, complete his line of products of range lower with the machine Boy XS. The machine is also available like machine of insert by moldeo with units of injection and closing had vertically. It is what calls Boy XS V.

The characteristic more impactante to visual level is the compact dimension of these models. With a base of only 0,81 and 0,63 square metres for the Boy XS V, the two models, designed for continuous industrial work, offer new possibilities regarding microinjection and only cavity.

The tested system of closing of two dishes voladizo of the machines of injection Boy also is incorporated in these two models of machine. In his standard version, the Boy XS is instrumented with a control Procan Alpha of first class. This control combines the efficiency with a handle simple and an optimum innovation.