Imvolca, S.L. - Extruders and cutting systems

Granceadoras: apt for the recovery of scraps

Picture of Granceadoras
Imvolca Commercialises a series of granceadoras projected to be installed at the side of machines and especially apt for the recovery of mazacotas and scraps.

Between his main characteristics stands out: a number of revolutions very reduced and rotor multicuchillas; characteristics that allow to use low powers with consequent level of rumorosidad content and material granceado without dust. It has of adjustable fixed blades micrométricamente, while the rotantes adjust to the table. The project of construction facilitates the cleaned, the maintenance: operations that have to be effected only with unemployed machine. Also it can not go back to start the granceadora if the hygiene is not activated. For the rotation of the hopper and the access to the rejilla do not require tools. It does fault only unblock manualmente the pernos.

Other characteristics to stand out are his robustness of construction and the very compact design that allows to situate the machine at the side presses for the direct recovery, the possibility of manual feeding, by strip transportadora or by manipulador, his easy cleaning and maintenance, his space limited and a drop rumorosidad.