STX Radial Ambient, S.L. - Ultrasonic plastic welders

Kiefel RF Generators

Generators of radiofrecuencia of solid state: for different fields of application

Picture of Generators of radiofrecuencia of solid state
Generators of radiofrecuencia of solid state for the following fields of application:

- medical Sector: stock exchanges of blood, urinary stock exchanges, stock exchanges for serum salino, stock exchanges of colostomía, stock exchanges of drainage and special applications.

- Industry of the car: components for inner finishings of the vehicles, reposa heads, carpets for trucks, coatings of ceiling, sunshades, melt for seats, panels of control.

- Industry of the container: blísteres, wallets for passports.

- Equipment of papelería: covers of books, transparent folders, sobres for photos, coins and stamps.