Euspray by Eurospray Spray and Filter Technology, S.L. - Noozles and atomizers


Filters for the systems antiincendios

Picture of Filters for the systems antiincendios
Several of the filters pulverizadoras hydraulics of Eurospray are manufactured and especially adapted for the protection against fires.

For example, the filters of full cone (are of normal or big angle) use for applications of hygiene in the floods or the rain, that are the systems of protection against fires more common.

In this type of systems, the aim is "to drown" the zone affected by the fires with big quantities of water that distributes of optimum way.

They have a big capacity to absorb the heat, and also when producing the rain cools the fuel underneath of the temperature of ignición.

Another advantage is that it avoids the excessive loss of water.

The filters of full cone also use to apply chemical aerosols of extinction in the kitchens, the extraction equipment equipment of oil of train or foam in aerosol to extinguish fires of flammable liquids in all the situations in which no always is possible to use only waters.

The filters of atomisation use often.

The small drops produced by these sprayers have the capacity to cool significantly the area affected by the fire.

On the other hand, the small drops that transform in steam by the heat, removes the present oxygen in the environingingment, subtracting the necessary fire to keep the combustion.

To create curtains of necessary water to detain the advance of the fire, use the filters pulverizadoras of chorro flat.

The correct placing of this type of filters can form diverse curtains of water that can surround the area to act and like this avoid the propagation of the flames.

It is possible the manufacture of different filters of full cone of different sizes and forms for special installations against the fires, under request by the customer.

This type of filter of pulverización in shape of snail are those that more use for the protection against fires.

It can rociar a big quantity of water to the zone affected.

This high capacity means efficiency in the fight against the fire.

Besides, his particular form, lacks any inner part what avoids any risk of obstruction of the step of the water, even if it uses water that no this perfectly clean.

When the destined water for the feeding of the injectors of the systems of protection against fires is not very clean, use increasingly the filters.

The filters are generally fed by a bomb that extracts water of big areas of catchment of water, keeping like this always the cleaning of the the injectors.