Euspray by Eurospray Spray and Filter Technology, S.L. - Nozzles and filters


Filters autolimpiantes: for primary liquids, of process and of waters of wash

Picture of Filters autolimpiantes
Designed for all type of industrial states, included the one of the alimentary industry, these filters are manufactured entirely in Stainless steel AISI 304 or 316.

The principle of operation is the same for all the types of models: the liquid to filter crosses a cartridge filtrante (with the degree of leak chosen) depositing the impurities and the solid substances in the internal surface of the same cartridge and the liquid goes back to go out with the degree of leak wished. Owing to the progressive tank of dirt in the internal wall of the cartridge, creates a difference of pressesure between the entrance and the exit of the filter. This value is detected by a differential manometer which, once reached the limit established, will commission to transmit the signal to the picture of control, in this moment sets up the cycle of automatic cleaning of the cartridge filtrante.

The filters are instrumented with units of car-control that regulate when and how does the car cleaning in the filter through the rotation of an axis with scrapers or brushes that differ, of type and of material, depending of the type of application.

The filters autolimpiantes have all the pieces totally of stainless steel AISI 316 and 304, have degrees of leak of maximum of 2.000 micras (low request) and of a minimum of 50 micras and, between the diverse characteristics also are instrumented with a valve of manual or automatic download for any against wash of the filters that is very useful when the particles in suspension in a liquid that has filtered have a strong cohesion and can carry to the tanks or back reactions out of the cartridge.

The range composes of filters of half/high discharge that are represented with the models LF, MF, HF and HHF filters, as well as one in shape of "And" for low/half discharge.

It has designed also a version in aluminium to obtain a good quality to lower cost of money.