Pferd-Rüggeberg, S.A. - Abrasive discs


Disks of ceramic grain for lijado: for materials of difficult start

Picture of Disks of ceramic grain for lijado
Pferd Commercialises tools of ceramic grain CO and CO-COOL for lijado intensive in mould and matrix, aeronautical sector component manufacturing sector component manufacturing and boilerworks. It treats of disks of lija, disks lijadores Combidisc and disks of plates lijadoras Polifan. They are tools of abrasive grain corindón with ceramic coating, with greater capacity of desbaste and refrigerado by the effect "autoafilado" of the ceramic grains. The grains when contacting with the material to work break his edges of cutting continuously discovering new singings sharper and with lower thermal sensors load. They offer advantages like the aggressive power of start by the continuous reafilado of the grain, greater length, no embozamiento, lower time of work and desbaste especially refrigerado. Can apply , for example, in the desbaste in constructions of transport of water and waste water, amolado fine in turbines and propellants, desbaste in turbines estacionarias of gas, water or steam, treatment of surfaces in industry of the car and industrial vehicles, or desbaste of cords of welding in steelworks.