Maquinser, S.A. - CNC machining centres


Centre of mechanised: of 5 axles with function of turning with cambiador of palet

Picture of Centre of mechanised
The model CV-100T is the new version of the model CMV-100. CV-100T, is a centre of mechanised multitaleatherg that adds, to the already of in case incredible provision of this centre of 5 axles, function of turning with cambiador of palet.

The most stood out characteristics of this centre of mechanised are the movement of the cabezal (axis To) that it can go of 30 to 120 degrees allowing the mechanised of negative angles. Routes of X, And, Z 1.500 x 1.330 x 1.300 mm, with a capacity to mechanise pieces of until 2.000 kilos and tornear pieces of until 1.000 kilos.

It possesses blockade of the axles To and B by means of blockade cúrvico. The axis C (rotatory table) with direct engine and the possibility to incorporate a cambiador of palet.