Persianas Persax, S.A - Venetian blinds and cladding systems


Celosías: they regulate the light and save in inner refrigeration

Picture of Celosías

With his range of celosías, Persax offers crowd of applications in enclosures of faã§ades, playgrounds, terraces etc.

This system of lick manufactured in aluminium of extrusion allows the regulation of the light achieving remarkable savings in the inner refrigeration of the buildings because of the creation of zones of shadow that reduce the energetic incidence to which are subjected

To cover the most miscellaneous needs, Persax has of lick of distinct dimensions that adapt to all type of projects enhancing his beauty.

The 5 different sizes of lick are: 120, 190, 250, 300 and 400 mm.

It treats of a system of two types of lick: fixed and mobile.

The first present possibilities of regulation in the inclination with angles of 0, 15, 30 0 45.

You lick them mobile possess the option to motorise and optionally could hide the mechanism of regulation, offering an aesthetics of clean façade.

It lick it used has elliptical form and his disposal can be vertical or horizontal. This singular elliptical form no only allows to avoid the less beneficial effects of the solar light, but it works like decorative architectural element.

This system of solar protection is especially adapted for surfaces of big dimensions like faã§ades or walls curtain.