Centrotécnica - C.T. Servicio, S.A. - Dosing bag systems

Helios Oktomat

Automatic station of casting of ‘octabin' and ‘big-bag': it allows the casting of ‘octabines' and ‘Big Bags' of form totally automated

Picture of Automatic station of casting of ‘octabin' and ‘big-bag'
The team Oktomat of Helios, comecializado by C.T. Service, S.A. (Centrotécnica), allows the casting of ‘octabines' and ‘Big Bags' of form totally automated, taking advantage of to the maximum the material, avoiding losses, pollution, problems in the production by fault of supply and avoids to the maximum the human intervention; reducing costs and improving of remarkable form the management of the materials and in definite the production.

The main advantage of the Oktomat resides in his structural conception. An only arm of support for the cabezal oscillating that enters in the container to extract the material; it allows an important reduction of the busy space in the floor, that hardly is the one of the same palet of the ‘octabin' or the ‘Big Bag' in himself.

The wide variety of cabezales and available options (vibration, blow of air, additional weight, elevation assisted neumáticamente, ‘bypass' for double station and continuous feeding, etc.), allows to work with all type of materials in granza, dust, triturados; and feed an or several machines, silos, other containers or any process of treatment of the material.

C.T. Service-Centrotécnica, like exclusive agent of the mark, has of Helio Oktomat for immediate delivery in his basic version, that in promotion includes in the price of exit the Option 1, consistent in a control by microprocessor, where select the times of work and visualises the state of the team; warning when the container into use is empty.