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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La PMcM y Pimec reclaman soluciones para los pagos a proveedores en el sector farmacéutico

The PMcM and Pimec demand solutions for the payments to providers in the pharmaceutical sector


4 November 2013

The Multisectorial Platform against the Morosidad (PMcM), and the Patronal of the Small and medium enterprise of Catalonia (Pimec), have added to the claims of the pharmaceutical sector of Catalonia, showing all his support to these professionals that “suffer the lacra of the morosidad, so that once and for all they resolve the extraneous problems of tesorería that suffer”, reports the president of Pimec, Josep González.

By his part, the president of the PMcM, Antoni Cañete, requests “to the two governments, the Catalan and the central, that put of agreement in fiscal matter, so that they are not the pharmacies those that find with the problem, and that this, to his time, trascend to the citizenship, attacking against the health, since the pharmacies, to the not earning, can not pay the medicines and, therefore, results them impossible have of them for the sale to the public. No longer we are only in front of a problem of closing of companies and dismissals of employees owing to the morosidad, but of a fact that affects to the citizen of on foot, and what is more worrisome, to the health”.

For Cañete, one of the feasible and effective solutions would be that the Executive set up the mechanism of direct financials for the payment to providers through the Institute of Official Credit, what is known like the ICO Providers.

The PMcM has organised for 7 November in Madrid an event with which pretends to promote a big political pact-business in intentions and commitments to reduce the terms of payment in Spain. The act, to the that already have inscribed more than 200 business organisations, will have a big institutional representation, from the general director of the Area of Industry of the European Commission (Daniel Alley) until the secretary of State of Inland revenue, Antonio Beteta, going through you representatives of Economy of all the political groups that configure the Congress of Deputies and diverse experts in morosidad of the business fields, juridical and economic.

During this II Summit of Morosidad the participants will expose proposed to reduce the index of non-payments to providers and also will realizar an exhaustive analysis of the situation of the morosidad in Spain, a lacra that according to data of the PMcM has caused the closing of a third of the 500.000 companies that have disappeared from the start of the crisis.

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