
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Entrevista a Juan Enrique Gadea, responsable de producción de Injusa

Interview with Juan Enrique Gadea, responsible for production of Injusa

Juan Enrique Gadea, responsible for production of Injusa, makes a tour with universal plastics facilities, which shows the process of production of the toy.
"Once we were working with arrays that we still retain." Before we were working in metal, however the plastic has acquired and you will assume greater relevance. Now we have blown and injection kits. "In this company llegámos to be 30 or 40 people because it was all metal, but we are currently between 15 or 20 people".

How many tons of plastic consumes Injusa per year?

We eat many tons of plastic per year because the vast majority of products we produce are made of plastic. Although some products have metal parts because we make toys so that the child feels on top and bear weight. Except for two products that have little plastic part, the rest are plastics entirely.

Which plastics are those that you use most?

Polypropylene, polyethylene and sometimes ABS for the shells and somewhere anti crash.

Once we have all the mechanical part finished, give it a coating, in this case a painting that we start in two areas: below the area of preparation with up painted. Hang the pieces on the racks and passed to the interior of the tunnel for washing, which has three parts. A first lava with SOAP to prevent fats and oils; then apply a shower with water and a third shower with phosphate and water so that the procedure of painting, which is dust impregnates well. When it ends, goes to the oven, because the water is not good and can lead to problems such as blisters, which cascarearían the painting. It is dried for about 40 minutes and is painted powder. Then go to the oven for 45 minutes at 200 degrees and the reaction of the painting.

How many products fabricáis daily?

In the Assembly process are a measurement of time for everyone working at the same pace and the chain of production to work properly. In this way we get 20 pieces in one hour, and at times of maximum production came to get 2,500 daily between bikes, ATVs... In this sense, also in times of less work recovering moulds and when there is more production is outsourcing. 95% Of the moulds are made at a workshop of our group, everyone in the area of Ibi, which has a great tradition in manufacturing moulds.

What quality systems empleáis during the process?

We randomly choose finished pieces to see the operation of the product in termas of operation, braking, etc. It is important to control, because from this phase are going to the store and by customer.

On the other hand, our process complies with the regulations of the toy, as it is the case with the powder paint applied to the pieces, which guarantee maximum safety, if the child is the toy to the mouth, for example. The same applies to the plastic, which complies with part III of the regulations 61.

What plastic treatment techniques are that more empleáis?

The blown to pieces of precision, although they are not as precise as that we get with the injection. This technique we use primarily for the wheels. Once obtained, the remaining part of each piece is recirculated again used. Reviewed the remainder, the contours, by security issues. On the other hand also use injections, more accurate but more expensive. In general, for hollow parts use the blowing and for the rest, the injection.

The largest machine is able to inject up to 6 kg of propipolireno that opens and closes and the blower, up to 30 litres, a jumping that we use for garden toys.

How you decide to make new products?

It is a difficult phase, because for example, to produce an only car requires an investment of between 80 and 100 million pesetas before, without knowing if you're going to sell 5,000 or 50,000 units.

You almacenáis all products?

The client wants to pieces at the time, is important to have a large stock.

However, our problem is the volume. In the store, requires a large amount of space for large parts, such as the garden houses. We must bear in mind that 1,000 cars represent thousand chassis, thousand higher covers, 4000 wheels... At the logistical level, it is complex.

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