Hans E. Rüth, S.A. Tecnologías Médicas - Audiometers

Maico MI 24

Timpanómetros: automatic and fast proofs of impedance

Picture of Timpanómetros
Timpanómetros For automatic and fast proofs of impedance with multifrecuencia and screening of reflection to distinct levels. Reflection ipsilateral and contralateral (only in MY 24C) with 4 frequencies (500, 1.000, 2.000 and 4.000). Adjustable probe with selector of change of integrated hearing. The timpanograma and the results of the proof see in the screen LCD in real time. Memory to store the results of both hearings and possibility of impressesion.

Standard accessories: probe, set of caps, cavity of calibration with subjection of probe, wire network and roll of paper.

Optional: receiver TDH 39, stock exchange of transport.