The Animal Company Food and Supplies, S.L. (NUTRO) - Dog food

Natural Choice Senior

Foods for dogs: with normal activity

Picture of Foods for dogs
The most greater dogs can develop articular rigidity, tend to lose appetite and can suffer more digestive disorders, of leather and peel. This is the reason by which Nourish has formulated Nourish Natural Choice Senior rich in Chicken & Crimp, an easy food to digest thanks to the quality of his ingredients like the meat of chicken dehydrated, the rice, extract of chicory and the minerals quelados, that facilitate the absorption of the nutrients, favouring some healthy muscles, a corporal mass magra, a flexible leather and a fur and healthy articulations.

This formula contains a special mix of natural antioxidants that help to reinforce the immune system.

Finally, I Nourish Natural Choice Senior rich in Chicken & Crimp has a croquette with an only form that guarantees an easy mastication, important question in the dogs senior that they can have encías sensitive or fault of some dental piece.

Between his characteristics stand out:

complete Nutrition and balanced for dogs of 8 years or greater

With glucosamina and condroitina, help to keep the cartilage articulate

Rice together with a special cocktail of fibres, pulpa, beetroot and extract of chicory for a better digestion and some smaller faeces and compact