The Animal Company Food and Supplies, S.L. (NUTRO) - Food for puppies

Natural Choice Puppy razas grandes

Foods for cachorros of big races: until the 23 kg or more

Picture of Foods for cachorros of big races
The cachorros of big races grow quickly during his first year of life and this can bias them to osseous disorders. The foods for cachorros of big race have to be formulated to promote a normal growth. The investigations show that the cachorros of big races have some lower requests of calcium and phosphorus. I nourish Natural Choice Puppy - Large Breed is scientifically formulated with levels lower of power, fat, calcium and phosphorus for the cachorros that grow until the 23 kg or more.

Between his characteristics stand out:

Controlled Growth Formulates (Formula growth controlled): for a growth balanced and healthy.

A ratio protein/fat elevated. For a growth and suitable development.

Levels of calcium and phosphorus reduced. For an osseous growth controlled.

With glucosamina and condroitina, basic components for some healthy articulations.

With DHA pertinent of the oil of fish to help to promote the cerebral development of the cachorros (Smart StartTM).