Cunipic Animals de Companyia, S.L. - Snacks, coockies and candies for pets

Snack deluxe heno y frutos silvestres

Barritas snacks to rabbits and rodents: hay and wild fruits

Picture of Barritas snacks to rabbits and rodents
Complementary Barritas made with wild fruit and hay flowers, baked with a double layer of honey.

Adult rabbits more than six months of age.

Berries: they have a high antioxidant, neutralizes the action of free radicals harmful to the body. They carry vitamin C which has the ability to promote the absorption of food iron, so it improves or prevent iron deficiency anemia.

Hay flowers: hay helps better digestion for their great contribution of fiber.

Ingredients: grains, vegetables (20%), minerals, honey, fruits of the forest, flowers and alfalfa - hay 2 barritas analytical composition containers:-crude protein: 8.5% - shortening gross: 1.8% - crude cellulose: 2.8% - crude ash: 6.9% - moisture: 11% nutritional additives:-vitamin A: 9,000 IU / kg - Vitamin D3: 720 IU / kg - vitamin E: 72 mg / kg - vitamin C: 72 mg / kg - contains dyes preservatives and artificial (EG additives)