
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at MetalUnivers 50, síntoma de buena salud

MetalUnivers 50, symptom of good health

Ibon Linacisoro, Director15/06/2008

When a magazine celebrates an anniversary, as MetalUnivers now his number 50, those who are behind it can like it, give a Pat and say good and ready they are, or simply look with satisfaction but without large celebrations towards such milestone, knowing that only with the monkey's work and with 'batteries placed' they get to do another 50 and then another 50... Us at MetalUnivers, have chosen the first option. This put the monkey, batteries or whatever, is more tired. See, 50 issues of magazine, sincerely, are so many? No, the truth. Man must be borne in mind that even though MetalUnivers is now monthly, so it has not always been, so if someone is doing calculations to know their age, which keep the calculator. But even so, should we celebrate the 50 numbers? Clear, of course, we become that I have chosen the first option, the autopalmaditas.

But why? To see, is that this is not explained so easy. MetalUnivers has the merit of reaching his 50th, taking his side its competitor and friend however Interempresas. Friend, because we are the same and competitor, because we play all in the same League. Here the merit is not the 50 number of MetalUnivers, but the more than fifteen years of Interempresas, which at first was only a magazine, and which by the way is now in its number 175, nearly 800,000 visits per month, TV 'online', new adventure for which they are giving us the Pats and the successful formula of multisectorialidad taken by this House. Ultimately, number 50 is not more than a sign of good health that prevails here, in Nova Agora, is a goal in a well made game. Party continues in game, but the fans, players and visitors of the web, readers, advertisers, utilleros, gardeners... to the technical service of the coffee machine, we all know that this game is won. And we are still giving us Pat is why.

Now that the German machine tool manufacturers are happy because continue registering an increase in orders, now that the Spanish manufacturers are happy with fear but happy, because exports grew 10 percent in 2007 and the production by 7 percent and now that we do 50 numbers with this, we are also happy.

They are 50, thank you.

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