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Near of 30 works of schools and universities of all Spain participated

The Clúster of the Packs and Packaging delivers his V Prizes of Design and Sustainability

Editorial Interempresas31/03/2014

This V Edition of the Prizes of Design and Sustainability has had the collaboration of the companies Chovi, Alimentary Group Citrus, Hofmann and SarahWorld, and has rewarded the four better works closely of 30 students presented. Francisco Ortega, president of the Clúster, encourages to the companies to be followed betting by the innovation, the cooperation and the export like keys for the growth.

The V edition of the Prizes Design and Sustainability of the Clúster of the Packs and Packaging has recognised the projects of four students by his innovative and respectful solutions with the environingingment to the hour to answer to the challenges posed by the companies collaborators in this edition. The president of the Clúster of Innovation in Packs and Packaging of the Comunitat Valencian, Francisco Ortega, stood out how “the sector has known to adapt to the new times and answer to the continuous challenges that pose the consumers, the new legislation and the globalisation”.

Ortega Did these statements in the act of delivery of the V Prizes of Innovation in Design and Sustainability, that delivered in the headquarters of the Valencian Business Confederation (CEV). Also incidió Ortega in that they have been near of 30 works of schools and universities of all Spain those that have presented , “all big ideas, innovative solutions, that contribute a cool and creative vision to our sector”, ensured.

Prize by the Container for Childish Cereals in Dust, of Jose Ángel Fernández and Néstor Grandson

Prize by the Container for Childish Cereals in Dust, of Jose Ángel Fernández and Néstor Grandson.

The act had the presence of the president of the CEV, Salvador Navarro and representatives of the four companies that have collaborated in this edition of the prizes: Chovi, Hofmann, Alimentary Group Citrus and SarahWorld. Also it was present the director of external relations of Consum, Francisco Javier Quiles, the one who realizar the inaugural report on ‘Packaging and Business Social Responsibility: the sustainability of the containers in the big distribution'. In this sense, Francisco Ortega wanted to appreciate explicitly the commitment and the implication of Chovi, Hofmann, Alimentary Group Citrus and SarahWorld in the development of these prizes.

Innovation and export

The president of the Clúster insisted in that “the sector grows thanks to the innovation in products, of new processes and to the internationalisation”. Francisco Ortega wanted to remember that of the one thousand first industrial companies of the Comunitat Valencian, 110 belong to the sector of the packs and packaging.

Like this, the president of the entity remembered that the “Clúster of Innovation of the Packs and Packaging of the Comunitat Valencian represents to these innovative companies, with the aim to tackle strategies that allow them increase his competitiveness through the cooperation, the technological development, the innovation and the internationalisation”. “The innovation is definitely -remarked- the most effective tool to face the challenges to which confront us in our sector”.

Prize by the sustainable Container for Footwear and Complementos, of Inmaculada García Fernández

Prize by the sustainable Container for Footwear and Complementos, of Inmaculada García Fernández.

The act of delivery of the V Prizes Innovation Pack and Packaging of the Comunitat Valencian completed with a round table on 'The challenges of the sector of the container and of the packaging'. In said table, moderated by Jesús Pérez, director of innovation of Itene, took part David Moya, director of shopping and logistical of Chovi, María Forcada, responsible of R&D of Alimentary Group Citrus, Rosario Muñoz-Vineyard, responsible of marketing and communication of Sarahworld, Remigio Lluch, director of marketing of Hofmann.

Works rewarded

The winners of the V Edition of the Prizes Innovation in Design and Sustainability, summoned by the Clúster innovation pack and packaging of the Comunitat Valencian, went the students José Ángel Fernández and Néstor Grandson and Inmaculada García, of the University Jaume I of Castellón; and Alejandro Llisterri and Inmaculada Ibáñez of the centre of Alcoy of the University Politècnica of València. The V Edition of the Prizes of Innovation in Design and Sustainability of Packs and Packaging has the financials of the Program of support to the Innovative Business Groupings (AEI) of the Ministry of Industry, Power and Tourism of the Government of Spain, cofinanciado by the bottoms FEDER of the European Union.

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