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Fast Mooving Consumers Goods

Virtual equipment create prototypes of aromas to adapt them to the preferences of the consumer

Editorial Interempresas04/11/2013

The centre of investigation Ainia gathers to world-wide specialists in sensory analysis and behaviour of the consumer in ‘Fast Mooving Consumers Good'. The new technicians presented during the meeting, are based in the study of the habits of consumption and the preferences of the consumers like keys for the innovation and the development of new products.

Ainia, through his centre of investigation and study of the preferences of consumption, Consumolab, has gathered this week in his headquarters of Paterna, Valencia, to the most stood out researchers to world-wide level in sensory analysis and behaviour of the consumer.

The meeting, designated ‘Fast Moving Consumers Goods'and organised by Consumolab, is framed inside the meeting of the European Sensory Network that, for the first time, has gathered in Spain to present the last novelties in sensory methodologies. Key appearances to know the behaviour and the preferences of the consumer, importantísimo for the innovation in the development of new products in the alimentary industry, cosmetic, chemical and pharmaceutical.

The specialists in sensory analysis stood out the importance to know the preferences of the consumer to develop better products...
The specialists in sensory analysis stood out the importance to know the preferences of the consumer to develop better products.

In favour of the preferences of the consumer, the Canadian Anne Goldman, vice-president of Consumer Research in ACCE International, has recalcado the need to incorporate in the companies a department of investigation of the perceptions of the consumer, designated Consumer Insight and that was to horse between the departments of commercialisation and of innovation.

Virtual equipment for the instantaneous creation of aromas

One of the fastest technicians and surprising presented, consists in the use of the Virtual team Aroma Synthesizer, able to free aromas that can be modified in real time, changing the concentration of some volatile compounds key and simulating distinct aromatic concepts.

Through this technician of virtual reality presented by the French Christel Adam, Head of Sensory EAM in Givaudan Flavours and the Dutch Coralie Perrin, Sensory Project manager in Givaudan Flavours, offers to the different consumers variations of aromas, without the presence of the final product, to observe which of them attract them more. In this way, they go modifying the aromas to give with which finally better value for afterwards can enter it in a product, as for example a yoghourt of strawberry.

The grouping of products, track to understand to the consumer

Another new technician has been the presented by Annika Åström, Bussinness Manager Sensory and Flavor Science in SIK. During the development of this technician, designated Napping, requests to a group of consumers that plant some products in a two-dimensional surface. The grouping that realizar, beside the application of statistical technicians, carries to the researchers to identify some common characteristics of said products, hinting to comprise what moves to the consumers to group the samples. Of this way, incorporates to the consumer in the early phases of the development of product.

The consumers are key in the new technical
The consumers are key in the new technical.

With this technician has been able to observe how the consumers often prefer another product to the that are used to to buy, what indicates a behaviour of purchase based more in the habit that in the preference.

Other subjects that have tackled the experts of companies and centres of investigation of gathered in ‘Fast Moving Consumers Goods', have been new neural technicians as I complement to the sensory investigation or sensory analysis applied to fish enriched. Also it has stood out the assistance of David Lyon, Global director Sensor Perfumery and Flavours of the business group Firmenich, United Kingdom, one of the big specialists in the application of the Sensory Sciences in the sector of products of consumption like feeding, pharmacy, perfumery and cosmetic, among others.

Related Companies or Entities

Ainia Centro Tecnológico

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