
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Se aprovechará la paja del estiércol para generar biogás agroindustrial

European project Bioman, 7th programme framework of the European Union, participated by three researchers partners: Danish Technological Institute, ainia technology centre, Aalborg University Copenhagen , and five medium: Bigadan, Enzyme Suppies, Hielscher Ultrasonics, Enprocon, and Hybridization Thermosolar Navarra

Straw manure will be used to generate agro-industrial biogas

Drafting Interempresas09/07/2013

Through a new technology seeks to optimize biogas plants so that it allows to take advantage of material such as straw, which so far can not be treated to generate this energy and that is mixed with manure and other livestock waste already commonly used to generate biogas. This innovation expected to increase 40% the production of biogas plants. In Europe there are more than 7,000.

Experts, authorities and companies in Europe are agreed in the future to generate biogas passes through the utilization of organic leftovers from the agri-food industry. One of these raw materials is from non-food biomass such as manure and other remnants of the livestock sector.

In this context, to take advantage of this type of remains, the European project Bioman, in collaboration with the ainia technology centre, Aalborg University Copenhagen and five European SMEs (Bigadan, Enzyme Suppies, Hielscher Ultrasonics, Enprocon, e hybridization Thermosolar Navarra SL) will develop a new technology that allow treating matter such as straw, which is mixed with manure and other livestock wastethat so far no it can be treated to generate biogas by complex degradation.

New technology applied to the plants of biogás: accelerate the biodegradation of the straw

After the process of generation of biogas (anaerobic digestion), remains of which have not been able to degrade as the straw and other fibrous materials. New technology applied, based on the development of a 'circuit of Reinjection', seeks to exploit these remains, making them more biodegradable through the application of methods both physical (e.g. ultrasound) and enzyme, so that they can be treated again to generate biogas in the same industrial plant technology.

Pilot plant Ainia

Pilot plant Ainia.

Expected to increase 40% the production of biogas plants

In this way, the project was born in order to optimize even more the production of biogas plants European based on the use of manure and biomass of second generation so that a 40% increase in biogas production. At the same time, this technology can be applied to more than 7,000 biogas plants that exist in Europe, thus improving their profitability and sustainability.

The first phase of the project works on the identification, quantification and characterization of the biomass target. After this phase, addressed the application of pretreatment and evaluation of its effect on the biomass, as well as the implementation of processes on an industrial scale. The research that has led to these results has received funding from the seventh framework programme of the Union European, managed by the Executive Agency for research (OER).

Finally, this project will be addressed, along with other case studies on the economic and environmental viability of the biogas plants agro-industrial, in the day that with the title Biogas Industrial: new approaches and technological developments for a viable future in Spain, will be held in Madrid on 17 July.

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Ainia Centro Tecnológico

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