Rajapack - Cardboard packaging

boxes of cardboard: more than 400 models

Picture of boxes of cardboard
In Rajapack the quality of the boxes of cardboard, containers and boxes palet ensures him the maximum protection for all his products: a good resistance to the humidity and to the variations of temperature, an excellent resistance to the vertical compressesion, as well as a perfect adherencia to the adhesive strip of packaging.

It choose between 3 types of channel in the cardboard, in function of the product to embalar and of the conditions of transport: boxes of cardboard simple channel, recommended for light products or portantes (ej: documents and products preenvasados), boxes of cardboard double channel very resistant, effective in heavy products, fragile and no portantes (ej: products to granel), and boxes of cardboard triple channel, bear the heaviest loads and protect the most fragile products, recommended for difficult transports and storages of long length.

Choose the box of cardboard adapted is very important to reduce the losses and claims caused by damages in the commodity during the transport or storage. In Rajapack engage to give him the best service and advice to the hour to choose his packagings, besides benefit of the best prices buying the quantity that need.